Wil Grewe-Mullins

Still can’t help but think that this is an elaborate publicity stunt, although I don’t think the directors are in on it. Before this announcement, was there really that much “buzz” about the movie? Not so much. Now, it’s EVERYWHERE. 

Sounds like implemented austerity, and more often than not, austerity is little more than punishing the poor for the sins of the rich. 

So where is the money? It never existed in the first place. It was never anything more than imaginary castles built on imaginary sand. A two thousand dollar investment that is suddenly “worth” five million dollars, and that doesn’t sound a bit suspicious? As stated in the piece, the crypto bros are almost certain to

Trump’s epitaph: “I don’t want to say the election is over!”

“The president, as we all saw, fired this crowd up,” while claiming tens of thousands — “maybe a hundred thousand or more” — had surrounded the Capitol. (In reality, the crowd’s size has been estimated at roughly 2,000.)

What part of “It was always a CASINO, and the house always WINS!” do these suckers not understand? Nothing but imaginary castles built on imaginary sand. 

Aaaaaand a hysterical antivax campaign has already started. 

Great. One more reason for “Christians” to freak out and demand that everything Disney be burned at the stake. I’m betting “Encouraging young women to become witches!” will be their lame excuse this time around. You see, children can tell the difference between movies and reality, and fundie panicmongers CANNOT. 

Well, it’s official.
In the United States of America, GUNS have more rights than WOMEN do. Sick. A great big FUCK YOU to anyone who ever said “But her emails!” 

Trump’s nominees ALL claimed they believed Roe v. Wade was “Settled Law”. THEY ALL LIED in their job interview.

I wonder if he realizes that his opinion would also jeopardize mixed race marriages, LIKE HIS?

Crypto has never been anything more than imaginary castles built on imaginary sand... that dudebros live in. 

You forgot about B.D. Wong’s character’s “redemption arc”, where it’s show that he feels very very bad about all the bad things that he has done, by having shaggy hair and moping around the laboratory in a comfy sweater. Oh, and basically playing the part of Basil Exposition. And, while I’m here, can anybody tell me

Does this scheme remind anyone else of the “B Ark” from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Me, I’m all for sending a million MuskBros to Mars, and as many Trump Cult Members as possible, too. There’s a LOT of overlap in those two groups, of course. 

Some of them are rumbling about changing laws so their new lord and master could become President. Yes, they are that delusional. 

Well, he fucked over Twitter, because somebody made fun of his haircut, and he’s consequently fucking over Tesla’s stock, so of course he has a “bad feeling” about the economy, he’s ACTIVELY fucking it over, and he knows that no matter how bad he makes it for everyone else, there’s no way that he will actually be

If Archie, Betty, and Veronica don’t end up as a thruple, they’re doing it wrong. 

Great. Another strong, confident woman for the new Disney Hating Cult to freak the fuck out about. Wonderful. 

The Blood Emerald Boy doesn’t seem to understand that there’s a difference between “free speech” and what Trump was doing, which was telling obvious lies to promote an extreme Right Wing agenda, using Twitter as his personal propaganda organ.