
If you're going to publicly propose, than the possibility of being publicly told no is something you should be prepared for.

Why should she have to ignore her own feelings on the matter in order for him to save face? Making a public proposal like that without having the conversations to make sure she's on board with marriage is kind of a sociopathic move in the first place. If she doesn't want to marry him, she gets to say no in front of

Now playing

While I happen to have a momentary platform, I wanted to take a second to disabuse anyone who might still harbour delusions of Canada somehow being "better" than the US:

I thought I was one of the most pro-choice, abortions-for-everybody (who wants them) people in the world before I got pregnant.

My feelings on abortion drastically changed when I got pregnant.

I had a conversation with a conservative member of my family many moons ago where he told me (upon finding out that I regularly contribute money to Planned Parenthood, which I told him proudly) that my feelings on abortion would drastically change when I got pregnant.

Oh, I know the temptation. I just recognized that screenname because they're trying to stand up for the victimhood of the dad in this story. Plus I'm a dismiss dictator — unless they bring up a damn good point to a serious post, I'm gonna dismiss them for as much as trying to derail the conversation like that, because

Of anything? Ever? Do you know what consent under duress is?

...are you seriously trying to defend a man who seduced and abused his 19 year old daughter? Is this really the platform you want to stand on?

Troll, you're not welcome here and you can go now. Dismissed.

I'm really honestly confused as to why you're so adamant and full of hate about this. It was her experience with her parent - and a common one - that you are always in a childlike position to them and with them. How many times have you heard a parent say "Oh, they'll always be my little girl/boy to me!"? The

It's kind of like you missed the multiple paragraphs and points at which the author pointed out that no matter how old you are, you operate as the child with your parent.

I was referring to raisedbycats' story, not the original article.

Holy shit, thank you. I'm sitting here with my mouth open reading RudeBarb's comments like...she's lecturing others on empathy when she has absolutely none of her own.

Jesus guys, can you not totally mock and chastise someone who is raped by their father and has a visceral response to this story? Just be happy you have the emotional distance` not to have that response.

I'm sure the author can take care of herself - please note that by 'shushing' hellagrossedoutwtfman, you are perpetuating a culture of secrecy - in this particular case, not allowing a victim to express her feelings and discomfort - and since most of what we communicate is projection, the question begs .... why are

I'm really sorry for what happened. I think what happened to both you and the author and many other commenters are completely indefensible and inexcusable. I'm so sorry for how shitty and unsupportive mainstream feminism tends to be toward victims of abuse, especially when we can't recover or are not perfect victims

"Your desire to share how uncomfortable you are with someone else' experience serves what purpose, exactly?"

Wow dude.

Or perhaps you could sympathise, rudebarb? The way I see it both the author and hellagrossedoutwtfman are dealing with severe trauma of the kind that most of us are mercifully spared. Who are we to say that whichever way they choose to handle it is wrong? Someone who states that s/he was raped as a child for ten years