
I think my SO feels the same way. He wants to clean up his own “messes” with debt or paying his own self incurred bills so he doesnt like when I offer to pay them but other than that he loves that one of us adults all over the place. I always joke that I am too serious and stressed but thanks to his goofy idealistic

Shut the fuck up and get me my fries.

Have you considered option C) Having 99 problems is Jay-Z’s natural condition; as soon as Van Winkle solves one problem, another springs forth to take its place. Vanilla SisyphIce.

Pc and vita version are coming. Ps4 gets it first though and it’s cross buy with the vita version. :)

Someone needs to tell you that you’re being “that guy”, and no one likes “that guy”.

Canadian here. Not one Canadian says ‘oot’ or ‘aboot’.
What you’re looking for is ‘oat’ and ‘aboat’.

12k more than go to Hurricanes games

You sound like someone who spends a lot of his Sundays in craft stores.

A thought: Since his eyes are closed more than they are open, maybe those brief moments that he opens his eyes are actually the blinks.

All the while, Brian Hoyer will be clueless this is all happening, as even his newspapers get intercepted now.

yeah ... except epic is a car manufacturer that wants control over their cars while microsoft is the city hall that wants control over the roads.

You know, it’s not like Nintendo is giving the game away for free. Players don’t have to be happy or grateful for whatever Nintendo puts in front of them just because it has the Metroid franchise attached to it. If it doesn’t look appealing, or isn’t what the fans want, they should tell Nintendo that and not purchase

Wow, Kuato can really handle a guitar.

No, that is a disrespectful and frankly ignorant description of Creationist beliefs. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting such misinformed rhetoric out into the world.

So I’m reading a bunch of excuses for this guy’s shitty behavior and his attitude is very telling of his overall character. The justification, the reasoning and logic behind it all. Gonna pull out the armchair psychologist and say this all screams sociopath. No better place to look into the mind of someone who can act

Oh, right, back when the Bulls won 6 titles, the Rockets won 2, and the Pistons and Spurs bookended the decade. Or maybe you prefer the 80s, when the Lakers and Celtics won 8 out of 10 titles. Not that it’s even a particularly good measure, but more teams have won titles in this decade already than in the 90s or 80s.

Yeah but $6 will probably get you a pretty decent sandwich somewhere.

You support which position? Keeping peons away from rich people? Or devaluing paying customers’ tickets by obstructing them from conveniently selling them at market prices?

I hate you for the same reason!

Being a stuck up douche about a hot dog bun might be the most hilariously depressing thing I’ve seen today.