
“Who is John Alt?” -libertarian Chiefs fans

I wish there was a reliable source for replacement batteries for these. Mine is pretty much dead.

I want to preface this by saying fuck the Steelers, but if you think winning your division is a bigger deal than a playoff win, it might be time to switch to soccer.

The weirdos are what makes it great! Until the tech-bros drive them all out, anyway.

Whenever someone posts “wrestling is fake” in one of these discussions, I usually just roll my eyes at the weak troll job. But I think we’ve found who those comments are meant for.

It’s trademark law. And a DMCA takedown has nothing to do with trademark.

“Copyright law basically requires them to do as much.”


Not football, but there was an Oilers game in Edmonton about 7 years ago or so, against the Sabres, IIRC, that finished in a 10-2 Buffalo win. By goal 8, the crowd was cheering for “two more goals! Two more goals!” because if they had to sit through a shitfest of a game, they wanted to be entertained by it.

There is only one true Double Down.

Over half the people who read this site go one step further and wear shoes in the house. Americans are weird.

Pretty sure this is just their regular road uniform. The CFL switched suppliers this year from Reebok to Adidas, so every team got redesigned jerseys for this season.

It’s amazing just how badly that grill ruins the look of the truck. No other big changes that I can see, but the Ram went from being probably the best looking truck to the worst. Good job FCA.

Having herpes implies you had sex at least once. Having a Yugo implies the opposite.

I’m excited to see video of one of you two ripping off a Browns jersey Hulk Hogan-style on YouTube by midseason.

My experience with them tended to be that RWD and V8 Fords of the era tended to be pretty solid but FWD and 4/6 cylinder Fords tended to be shit. Transmission issues were common with those in my experience. But I’d expect anything with a 302 to run forever with routine maintenance.

While you’re busy shitting on this guy for not knowing pot’s legal in a bunch of states, I’m going to point out that drug laws are actually a federal issue, and so weed is still technically illegal in all 50 states. The current administration has said they’ll let it slide if states decide to legalize it, but the


If that dealership isn’t certified to sell GT’s then they can’t take the order anyway so this isn’t really a problem. Honest Bob’s Ford and Lincoln in Nowhere, Arkansas is never going to have to deal with anything like this.

There are some neat ideas at work here but the execution is BLECH. In more capable hands this could be really cool though.