
Another historic dress for Kim Kardashian to stretch out...

You know what the REAL question should be here? If you happen to have your phone out in the right place at the right time when witnessing this, why the FUCK would you stop following the rocket with your phone right before it's about to impact the ground?! Why is it that whenever anyone has the golden opportunity to

The Precious Diaries

I heard they were considering The Precious Diaries, or maybe House of Smeagol

The Hunt for Gollum is “a work-in-progress title” and it “may not end up being called that.”

Look, I know they had to make the old lady into a young hot lady (see: Agatha Harkness), but also, c’mon Marvel, give her the backstory directly from the comics. Let me see someone try to explain “She’s Professor Xavier’s twin sister whom he killed in the womb, but also she’s his spirital anti-self that the Shi’ar

Feels very much in line with how Agents of Shield felt hamstrung and stuttering in its pacing for the entire first season as the Hydra infiltration of Shield from Winter Soldier hadn’t been revealed yet. Hopefully the pacing for Rings of Power likewise picks up now that they no longer have to tiptoe and write around

Not my girlfriend, in fact she just called to say she’s coming to visit she just needs me to send her a little money to get out of some jam she got herself into. That rascal is always getting herself into trouble, but she’s nice.

In totally unrelated news, thousands of people are now wondering why their long-distance relationships suddenly ghosted them on WhatsApp.

Calling it an ‘abomination’ right out of the gates? Calm down.

It seems to me High Grant is having more fun with his roles these days.

Recently convicted felon hired as an election official. What could go wrong?

I can respect a villain whose entire drive is “I’m going to make my entire house a murder-puzzle-box explicitly to fuck with Mormon missionaries.”  Like, it’s niche, but let him cook.

It’s a two-for-one, since Nicholas Hoult has also played Renfield. Between the two of them, they have half the main parts played!

I think I’m pretty good at faking that the holidays don’t make me miserable... at least for the in-laws.

Heck, in some countries, heads would literally roll for something like this.

Dracula shall suffer remakes until Willem Dafoe has played all the major roles” —Renfield Stoker

I swear, if young voters decide to burn the world down because they're no longer able to post 20 second videos making asses of themselves I'm going to start cutting noses off to spite their faces.

That photo is missing some elephants and a giant turtle