
He doesn’t owe us an explanation.

I think it’s dumb to try and remove her because she cut ahead in line. That’s what I find stupid. If the challenge is “I think I can do a better job” then go for it. If it’s because “She annoys me and I was next in line” then it’s dumb.

Yea for you. The majority of Americans did not get any pay bump. Most companies simply enjoyed the bump all by themselves.

If the house has been on the market for a while for $1.7 million, and it hasn’t sold, it’s not a $1.7 million house.

I watched that entire clip, and it happened so fast that I never actually saw what happened. How the announcers saw it so quickly - or how any of you even know that it really happened - boggles my feeble mind.

Pictured: every Centrist when it comes to actually doing the work

Since the start of Trump’s turn, with a Congress completely under his control, the national debt increased $2 trillion. But somehow, the burden of budgets and debt is always placed on the left. It’s time we let that shit die.

You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.

Hey, do you happen to know any other places where Liberty Ford does business?  

Not really seeing how this is ghoulish. You gotta pay your taxes. Dying doesn’t erase your debt. 

So is this how much they made doing stand-up? I assume a good chunk of Hart’s income was from films.

If I were to blatantly lie in my job, like the delivery services are lying about having delivered a package, I would no longer have that job.  I get that “stuff” happens, and packages don’t make it on time, but saying it’s delivered when it obviously is not is a completely different situation.

I worked for a large company that was pretty much always teetering on going under. I had about 6 weeks with no real work to do. But I never really let anybody know. I would always just walk back and forth to the printer and acted like I was waiting for something to print out. The key is to make it look like you are

Yes because medical costs here are so high - high insurance premiums, high deductibles, and high post-insurance adjusted expenses. Even with a good salary, great insurance, and lots of savings, I am TERRIFIED of getting a serious illness or injury. And for those with shitty insurance? I cannot even begin to comprehend

*checks the greys, whistles*

This question has a pretty simple answer, in my mind.

Whoever told you that was stupid. They love businesses buying from them.

Sometimes reviews can’t be summed up by “this movie is good” or “this movie is bad.” Embrace nuance.

If a movie is superficially entertaining, but leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth because of how ill-timed it’s political message is, shouldn’t that warrant a bad review? 

Yeah, ugh, how awful that you might actually have to make an effort to keep up with something.