It’s kinda crazy that in 2020 the worst thing about The West Wing is that it didn’t make the Republicans evil enough.
It’s kinda crazy that in 2020 the worst thing about The West Wing is that it didn’t make the Republicans evil enough.
There’s no controversy here, just the creator talking about the process. People like you are just as guilty of elevating and escalating non-issues by crying about how everyone’s making a big deal out of nothing even if it’s not that big of a deal.
Correct. Different things are different.
Kinda related, but every Will Harris Random Roles should be listed above.
Will Harris’ Random Roles. All of them.
Now do the best A.V. Undercovers of the 2010s.
Leslie Knope Headlines. Damn those were good.
Here’s to the best of AV Club gimmick commenters (mostly) past and (some) present. Here’s to Cookie Monster, who can drop insightful comments on whatever topic is at hand in the perfectly rendered diction of the blue-furred crumbly dessert fiend. Here’s to ZMF, who taught me all about ownage, and what Statham movies…
Those don’t even crack the top 10. For one, there’s no mention of the sweet Laurel Canyon sound...
Man, I’d really love to know what Larry has to say about all of those roles! BY READING ABOUT IT IN AN ARTICLE.
I expect that 14 people are posting this at the same time, but you reversed forward slash (/) and back slash (\). Forward slashes are the things used in URLs and generally when you want to separate/things. Back slash is seldom if ever used in a non programming context. The thing above it, since I’m sure you’re…
The forward slash! Who the fuck uses a forward slash for anything?... Ah. Right. Well, what about the thingie above the forward slash? The |?
Futz is a word. It isn't a derivative of fuck.
Louie Anderson is so good that I don't even see the character as "a man playing a woman;" it's Christine Baskets, Chip and Dale's mom. Period.
I’m really glad this show got 4 seasons in the first place. It's such a great weird show
What? No it was the fact that the league blackballed him for speaking out against police.
there is this thing called renting, especially in major metropolitan areas such as Pittsburgh
As much as he hated government, he hated weak and dishonest men more.
You are ridiculous for your comment. Your families systems happen to be the few that didn’t have the issue, but to make a claim that so many people dont know how to take care of their systems is complete bull dong. When does a handful of People speak up for hundreds of people with complaint of this same issue?
DEAD serious comment. I’m constantly amazed when I watch an episode (I own the DVD set) and see his name in the credits. Dude had a hand in all sorts of classics.