
I was privileged to attend this event. I’ve seen Isbell many times now, but never without his band — that was a treat. The great irony is that Phil Bredesen may be the single most moderate democrat ever to run for anything anywhere. I support the guy because he may be able to pull off a senate win, but I do not use

This is good baseball.

It should near always be cheaper to buy than rent. As others have stated renting includes the home owner expenses (maintenance, upkeep, taxes, etc) in the cost of the rent. With owning you control those costs. With renting your only hope is that the owner manages those costs well enough to pass the savings on to you.

Those Phillies throwbacks are fucking awesome.

It has a lot to do with where you live and what you consider rich. Since I am from NJ, lets use that as an example.

Do you live in rural Alabama?  I’m in Michigan.  My husband and I make quite a bit more than your parents and we are just normal SLIGHTLY upper middle class people.

Your math doesn’t work out, 25% of 180k is $3,750 per month and you have to pay taxes on the 180, that along with retirement savings brings your take home down to under $10k per month before that mortgage payment.

Maybe I’m mistaken, but I assumed that was for household income not individual.  180k combined for a married couple is far from “rich”

IRS has a withholding calculator, but good luck trying to figure it out. I know people who work on tax issues that had trouble with it, so I don’t imagine most of the general public would find it easy.

I usually hit up the local lumber place. They know everything about lumber and have much better wood in general. Prices can be a little higher though.

Please don’t give some rich asshole half a billion dollars for a stadium.

You’ll never beat the match - it’s an immediate 100% return. No way the market is beating that.

It’s unlikely to ever be worth giving up the employer match. Lower earning and fees will probably never top the actual value of the match. If it’s not an optimal plan, you fund it just enough to get the match and then put any money above that into an outside account.

When something this vile makes sense within a system, one must raise some questions about the system.

You can say “what is it that we are missing that is causing you to feel the need to unionize? We’ll fix it.”

Calling someone a hipster for liking Radiohead is basically the equivalent of calling someone a hipster for liking the Beatles. Hipster used to have some sort of a meaning, now it’s just a term for people who care about stuff you don’t.

It doesn’t help that adding a lowercase “I” in front of things has been groan-inducing since about 2005. 

The title and early promotional stuff for iZombie made it sound like the worst teenie-bopper crap. If I had known it was the Veronica Mars team I wouldn’t have waited so damn long to check out this fun procedural with surprisingly deep worldbuilding and a really charming cast.

There seems to be a mild kerfluffle in the greys that suggests that it is unfair to protect the seeding of a woman who becomes pregnant and misses time while a man faces no consequences for their off-court activities. Therefore, in the spirit of inclusion and fairness, I recommend the following rule change:

No consequences for the man involved. But you probably know that, you’re just a troll and an a-hole.