
Ted Danson once wore blackface—as a supposed "joke" back when he was dating Whoopi Goldberg. Just can't see anyone who would do that as sexy. Although granted, he does look better in old age than back when he was on Cheers.

To me the stuff he said about gay sex was so junior high as to be almost laughable. He sounded like a parody of an ignorant homophobe obsessed with the mechanics gay sex (as he imagines it at least). All that stuff about butts vs vaginas? I can easily imagine that coming out of the mouth of some pubescent kid.

Why does every article mentioning Phil Robertson only allude to his homophobic comments and not the racist remarks? As a queer who has lived near rednecks, what he said about gay sex is about par for the course for that subculture. But his fond nostalgia for Jim Crow days is really disgusting.

Maybe these kind of possessions should be buried with their owner. Future archeologists could speculate whether people in tombs/caskets with more sex toys were of higher status. And it would make open casket funerals more interesting.

You are applying your experience as a gay man living, presumably, in a modern, gay-friendly urban area to an entirely different situation. That is not analogous to the experience of any of the women depicted in the ad. You mention that people can just hide at home if they don't want to be looked at. Part of the issue

How creepy would it be to go to someone's home and see "art" by George Zimmerman hanging on the wall?

So true. Can you imagine if articles about adult males of the human species who survived a horrible ordeal kept using the word "boys"?

Gender essentialism is so boring.

No one forced him to post the ad nor to sign his name to it.

The cat is not an asshole, just being a cat, but have to wonder about the person filming this. For the sake of filming something, he/she let the cat continue to do something that posed a danger to the cat as well as a possible fire hazard for the household.

She's lumping together the hypothetical people of whom you speak with anyone who has a different body type. Some of those who wrote protesting the unfairness of her comment included people with disabilities. Fat-shaming people based on the idea that "I lost weight so what's your excuse?" is just a variation on the

Maybe the ad writer fancies himself as a Seattle version of the Artist as Young Man? In one of his letters to his wife Nora, James Joyce recalled one of their nights together fondly: "It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her."

I'd like to see more information on who sponsored the research plus any corporate affiliations of the research institution and individual scientists. Too many times a study identifies a drug as some kind of magic bullet cure and there's lots of hoopla in the media. Then months later, without any fanfare, a few news

Her 15 minutes of fame pretty much began with snarking on anyone who didn't look like her ("What's your excuse?" plus the photo above on the right). People aren't so much "picking on" her as calling out her BS. Whatever her personal problems may or may not be, they don't really excuse her sneering at people with

So much this. When are we going to move past the notion that "normal"=white, male, cis/hetero, abled, etc?

Think you're right about the sociopath part. But many of them could have other preferred vices than coke. I once worked for a multimillionaire who was too much of a health nut to do drugs or drink but he was a total rageaholic.

In the Fox brand of Christianity, I think Ayn Rand gets to peg Jesus while making him lean forward to pull up his bootstraps.