
Not a problem for them. They’ll be happy to spin it as “liberals love Muslims even when Muslims oppress gay people! Liberals so dumb LOL.”

You know what?

This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?

Look this is just another stupid he said/she said she said she said she said she said she said she said.

Given that the mainstream Republican party nominated him for President and its leadership is to this moment still officially endorsing him, I don’t think the burden falls on us to determine if he’s a genuine conservative. The official arbiters of conservative political life in this country say he is, Tim Miller’s

The best defense against hate speech is to out the hate speakers, not to ban them.


Police were searching for a “Hispanic male wearing grey.

Now playing

She should just memorize this and start all her slots with that.

Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.

I’m skeptical because she seems angrier at Hillary than at the man who allegedly raped her and that shit doesn’t sit well with me. I’m skeptical because she has contradicted herself so many times, and seems to only come out of the woodwork when Hillary is running for something. I’m skeptical because she doesn’t seem

How is the wife of someone who cheats supposed to act? Public figure or not, this is a unique space. The idea that Hillary would embrace women who fucked her husband — while knowing she was married to him — is inconceivable. Broaddrick is the only example of a woman who has claimed to be raped by Clinton. Affairs are

I don’t believe she is necessarily “ok with it”. Bill and Hillary are family, whatever their relationship is, it’s family. We support family. We believe the best of our family. Even when things seem shady, we make excuses

I’ve been raped. I believe Broadrick likely was raped. I am not voting for Bill, I am voting for

Or, then as now, there have been those who answered the casting call put out by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (TM) looking for their 15 minutes of fame. No proof means it (probably) didn’t happen.

No, but she does have a lifelong history of public service. It’s interesting to me that the perception is that HRC took on Universal Healthcare because she wanted the power that came with it, and not because she was genuinely interested in using her abilities to actually help people. Personally, I believe she was

is Ted Cruz groping himself?
“...and the hooome of the...HHNNNNGG *tweaks nipple* bb-b-b-brraaaave...uuhhhhhhyeaaah”

Eight more of these, on the other hand...


Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.