
Tomorrow WILL be another day. Stay with us. I will be thinking of you every single day. Killing yourself is not worth it. He who shall not be named is definitely not worth it. You can make a difference by choosing to live. Make that call to the hotline. More people than you can imagine care about you. The world will

My problem is that I could vote for a Republican for president but then I would be scared to death of what a Republican congress could achieve.The democratic candidate would have to be as evil as Trump.

that is not what he said. Sometimes I worry about the reading and critical thinking of our citizens. Take a risk,sirv. Read or watch something besides infowars andFox news.

I may be wrong but this may have been said sarcastically. Usually, after a black person gets shot, the label “thug” is immediately applied and the potential use of drugs is implied or explicitly stated.

I just do not understand why she is criticized for being ambitious. So what? Are the other candidates less ambitious? Also, after 30 years of being accused of everything from murder on down, no wonder she is so disliked. She is qualified, she is ready and she will make a great President - especially compared to the

You need help handling your aggression. Words matter!

Why do you read this so called “circle-jerk”? Is someone forcing you? Obama, is that you?

Elian was returned to his father.

No words, no explanation, just amazement at your lack of knowledge and sympathy. Please help me understand how do you know she consented? I guess that all rape victims need to fight back and show some injuries.

The “Thin Blue line” had got to go. Any police officer that does not report a fellow officer misdeeds or crime should be either reprimanded, suspended or fired. This is the only way to regain public trust.

Do not judge. This is delicious.