
When decades of “government is the problem” rhetoric, combined with virulent anti-intellectualism, combined with worship of business enterprise above social good, combined with continual stoking of racist, sexist, xenophobic fear and hatred all finally coalesce into the puffed-up tangerine spectre of Donald Trump—the

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Ironically, the Right and Country Music in general have their own version of political correctness. The Dixie Chicks dared to say what they think, and despite that their views were aligned with the majority of Americans, they offended the Right’s sense of what is politically correct and they were blacklisted from the

I am going to laugh in Spanish: jajajajaja

Though to be perfectly honest a lot of mathematicians suck at teaching math.

i feel like such a nerd for laughing at this

Flawleth? I don’t think tho! ;)

Good news everyone, the teacher in question has been offered a new position teaching critical thinking and logical reasoning and has withdrawn her complaint.

I didn't know that Abigail Fisher had changed her name.

Yeah, same here, “bad genetics”

Honestly, I’m a Bernie supporter who’s going to vote for Hillary, and probably even campaign for her, because, whether the circumstances were fair or not, he lost, and she’s now the only thing standing in the way of protofascist Donald Trump winning the presidency. And allowing Trump to win the presidency would be

oh my god dude, that’s too long and it’s too late for me to go through all that misinformation and lies. Benghazi, christ. She didn’t lie. It was right after the attack happened. They were all in the crisis room with the families. Information was coming in that was conflicting. Clinton had the wrong information and

You’re absolutely right. That they would protest the civil rights pioneer when he talked has completely turned me against them. They didn’t have to fight for anything, everything’s been handed to them. If they are the future I’m glad that I’m a senior citizen. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and gave money but

Please God we get to watch their heads explode in November - and then again in four years. The vitriol will be worth it.

Ohhhh, I see what the problem is now. He cray. So cray.

Because, Clam, they typically tend to demonstrate a complete lack of empathy, compassion, and introspection. You would know this if you followed politics even a bit.

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

I don’t like her either, and her sense of entitlement is infuriating. But can we agree not to use “fat” or “ugly” as insults??

abby fisher is a mega ultra garbage person but fat and ugly she’s not. she’s soft and has a fairly plain face but damn kid calm tf down.

Not that this chic needs to feel any more like a victim, but I blame the legal advocacy group that is using her as a pawn. Same thing happened with that bigoted county clerk who didn’t want to issue marriage licences to gay people.