
In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

Normal expected everyday behavior would be not raping/being raped.

The thing is, they didn’t even HAVE to listen to women. There were two men that saved her, chased him off, and acted as eyewitnesses to his crime, but his welfare is still prioritized before hers. And arguably, before the welfare of his next potential victim.

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

This is Zero Fucks To Give Obama. He doesn’t care what the GOP says anymore. Anyone who thinks he should be in Brussels kicking doors in is just ignorant. I mean, this is a state dinner. He’s not just chilling at a club.

And invest heavily in Nabisco, Little Debbie and Hostess.

Yet another chapter of Satan vs Santa Claus.

I don't think you got the spirit of the reply to which you responded.

And are we talking Reagan before or after the Alzheimer’s....?

A good drinker always knows where their corkscrew is...and their backup corkscrew and the closest place that sells a corkscrew at 11pm.

Best title reappropriation EVER. All the fist bumps.

Just know that you have named my autobiography. “Catching Dick Left and Right: The LolaCat5 Story” will sell ALL the copies because of you.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t get to say shit about illegal immigration, not one word. You know how many illegal Cuban immigrants there are in the US? None, because it’s not possible to be an illegal Cuban immigrant in the US. The US immigration policy towards Cuba is that if you get 1 foot on US soil, you’re here

The police do have an obligation to make sure they are shooting an armed or dangerous person. In this case, they made zero effort to do so. Within 2 seconds, they opened fire. There was no warning, no order to raise the hands. Nothing.

You could build an entire house out of all that straw.

First off, nobody mentioned actual violence by a pastor or other religious leader. You did. And show me one place in America that this has happened without law enforcement getting involved. One.

I don’t want to fight you, you just seem like you badly need a hug.

I just don’t understand the need for biopics of people who lived and died, like, three years ago. We already know Steve Jobs’ story. This would be much more interesting as a film like 50 years from now when we all have iBrain implants. Some retrospective insight about the dawn of a new era of internet and computer