How does anyone expect our country to move forward through inaction? I hear this shit all the time too!
How does anyone expect our country to move forward through inaction? I hear this shit all the time too!
THIS SO MUCH. Vote in EVERY ELECTION YOU CAN. Not just the big one for President. EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.
Lots of people will reply to this by saying that they do not vote (or spoil their votes) to protest our fucked up political system. I agree, the system is fucked. A two-party system will always lead to candidates who are too “moderate” (read: conservative) for my liking. But, I also don’t agree with refusing to vote…
u got issues
As much as part of me wants to say (screw’em and throw away the key) another part of me starts to realize that this is wading into some very murky waters. Are we going to prosecute every mom who has a premie and freaks out, suffers a panic attack and doesn’t get her kid to the hospital? While this case seems cut and…