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You might be looking for,,, or other sites where the results of the election in India, which are not relevant to this site, are covered.
Why does it seem like every day we have to explain to people what Dirt Bag is? It's such an easy target for people to feel superior to.
But wait... What education do boys get about masterbation in schools? What we need to do is help women be less shameful about masterbation. Boys get their "education" by being hormone raged teenaged boys and logging on to pornhub. Women should do the same. You can find all sorts of videos and many will float your…
I see your Strawberry and raise you a Bunphrey Bogart!
You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.
If I saw a snake like that in my bathroom at least I would be in the perfect place for when I shit myself.
Hi Asa. Could you give your opinions on circumcision, female pubic hair, whether cash is an appropriate gift for a wedding and whether or not Jay-Z deserved to be hit by Solange?
I think this is enough internet for one night. I'm going back to sewing.
Intriguing thesis, but may I suggest the counterargument:
Omg omg omg
Uh...what? These terrorists are much more like Christians than Muslims?
This is really annoying, and I can relate. It seems that every time we go to a playground, zoo, beach, etc. other people's unsupervised, feral children gravitate to us. We end up having to watch our son and babysit them. Sucks!
YES! Sometimes it's more the kid not taking you seriously when you tell them they have to go home. I still feel bad because once I made one of my daughter's friends cry (I'm a horrible person), but it was about the fourth time I'd sent her home and she would just show up again 15 minutes later. When I sent her…
Mother to a 7-year-old rabid squirrel that masquerades as a girl child: my perfect mother's day (achieved last year and this) is that child being taken camping by her father ALL weekend. Sleep in and binge-watch TV. Read a book uninterrupted and have Indian food for dinner (kiddo and husband both swear the smells are…
My mom made a reservation for brunch for this morning. I have a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old, and a husband who didn't get the day off because it's the nature of his job. My oldest is at the age of, "Crayons, schmayons, I need to get up from this table and don't understand why I can't" and my youngest is a mama's…
Sure, you hang on to all that baggage buddy. You'll get there someday!
The worst part is, there is no other way IN THE WORLD to buy a full size bottle of dove body wash and big sexy hairspray.