
I'm sure my parents were quite amused when six-year-old me stomped in the living room and declared "I'm going to marry Axl Rose because he has beautiful red hair and I love his snake dance."

Axl Rose was my first crush. That explains a lot about the disaster that is my love life.

The Biebs.

I resent that. I have had many good feel ups on my trusty futon. It has also held up to many college thrust-a-thons.

This happened in my hometown! Ratchet city represent!

This is horribly anti-feminist of me, but it was also incredibly enjoyable. I was dating a total douche that was sleeping around with another girl. Of course, being a very mature young lady (/sarcasm), I was upset at this girl for stealing my man. I would get off work, go to his house, and she would be on the couch.

I will encourage you in this forever.

I get drive-thru anxiety too. Much pressure! So nerves! Many decides!

I'm into it.

How to Heal a Broken Heart in 30 days is pretty good.

Serious answer: you.

I have so many nipple hairs and I pull them out with tweezers. BUT THEN they leave these really weird places that get kinda scabby, even if I wait until after I shower. It looks like I have nipple herpes or something. To me it seems rally obvious, but I asked my boyfriend about it because I was comfortable enough and

The only thing I learned from this story is that I would really like to see this in action and I am probably a big pervert.

Yes! I met this girl at work and she was the most amazing person I had ever been around. It was an immediate connection. Now we spend our work days together, text in the evenings, and usually can't go a weekend without getting together. It has been a long time since I had a super close female friend and I am so

My vagina now has a slogan: