
I decided today to stop visiting and commenting on Gawker sites. “The Post” on Gawker was astounding, and the reaction by writers and editors, as well as the blaring and glaring non-reaction by some, are making me want to take my clicks and give them away elsewhere on the internet. However, I will miss you beautiful

I'm just glad we agree that there is only one person on the planet that is has emotions and feelings that are valid.

but it is also reality that things are always worse for a black woman. So no white women have valid feelings or concerns.... but also its far worse to be a black disabled women so no able bodied black women have any valid feelings or concerns.... or maybe things aren't so "black and white" and all people have varying

For fucks sakes, give the guy a break. People are judged by their appearance everyday, but when it happens to a man, you fucking lose it...fuck you. Grow up.

A Letter to a Curmudgeonly mid-20s Blogger who Craves Attentions: Other people can have problems, too.

A white dude that wants to feel attractive is a douche?

Oh my god, that’s exactly how I felt. Why so much hate in this post?

Let me introduce you to my friend, ‘reading comprehension’. No, it is not based on an Onion article.

You mean like all those times stuff like this happened before on various gawker sites (Jez ran an article mocking Chris Brown on his childhood sexual assault, I’m sure kotaku has done a few, apparently some Gawker blog outed Tim Cook a while back, ect)? People do seem to forget things like this pretty quick.

I disagree. I would argue that with the gravity of what they did, and just the sheer, unabashed way in which they possibly ruined that man’s family’s lives that everything does go back to that. The judgement of the writers/editorial staff is clearly beyond repair so for that alone I would question everything they put

Right, only women should be able to complain about such things. It's the Jezebel way.

Why don’t you? The limitation Jezebel has, it’s eternal bias, is that no matter what the issue, women ALWAYS have it worse. Any time a guy complains about anything, Jezebel responds, “Well, try being a woman. Life is so unfair, blah, blah, blah.” Always.

I take it this if your first time reading Jezebel.

I mean this is jezebel its like 4chan for women

What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.

He should come to the Knicks. There’s no need for the point guard to drive in the triangle offense.

So riding the C train is just like being inside my ex girlfriend. Only more useful, since it’s moving.

Think of it this way; if it was a small boob contest, and the story about it was on a different website, and they used the phrase “showing off their goods or lack thereof to describe what the contestants would be showing off, would that not be considered snark at the participants’ expense?

Literally one of the stupidest things I’ve seen on Jezebel. And I’m not a Jez hater, either.

"What's so bad about a couple of guys having a nude hottube wrestling match?" - Jerry Sandusky