
I’m just not interested in toys — using them on myself or others. I begrudge no one their preferences, but this just isn’t one of mine.

Once again, I did not write that it is boring for a woman to use a vibrator to get off. I wrote that I found it boring. I specifically mentioned that she did NOT find it boring. [And I reiterated that point when I wrote “different strokes for different folks.”] Do you understand how I might view something as boring,

It was the other way around — she always came first. I came second, if at all. You’re just not getting it. Not sure if that’s intentional on your part or not. Whatever the case, it’s getting pretty tedious. I think I’ve been more than clear by now.

Obviously, the correct thing for two sexually-incompatible people is to not have sex with each other. Which was the point of my original post.

I applaud his money-making. That was the point about me noticing his talent.

I don’t agree I was rich, but I don’t hate it if you want to call me rich. Go for it!

I congratulate these people for their undeniable talent and copious amount of free time.

Let JJ take his anger out on Mariota.

I’m getting pretty tired of JJ Watt’s schtick.

Seems like you didn’t understand what I wrote. Let me try to make it clear enough that no misunderstanding is possible.

No, she didn’t put me off to the side. Asked me to use it on her. I did. Just not my thing. Different, uh, strokes for different folks, I guess.

You have really leveled up when you are too right-wing for golf.

As a recent dad, I concur entirely

I’ve been with a woman who needed a vibrator to get off. She told me not to take it personally and I never did. But I still wasn’t into it. I didn’t find it intimidating, just boring. Obviously, she wasn’t bored by it, so the correct thing to do was what I did — leave her to it.

Humanity doesn’t have that kind of luck.

My question was more about pending legal proceedings, rather than the prospect of auto accident victims returning to feed on the flesh of the living. Cool as that would be.

With Jenner as the last name?

What’s the latest on that person she killed in the traffic accident? Anything happening with that? Laura Bush went on to become First Lady. Maybe Cait can do the same.

How many games did he play for the Skins while under the influence of alcohol?