Mrs. Humansoup

I’m so sorry that your family, and especially what that sweet baby, had to go through that. I’m glad you have custody and if there is a hell, that man has a special place reserved for him. I hope you have a tire thumper (it’s like a small bat with a steel rod in it) and some mace at your house for your own piece of

The only place I have my husband’s name is on here lol. He’s Humansoup on the forums he frequents. I was going to take his name, but dodged at the last moment. He doesn’t want to take my name because with his middle name... well, it would be super silly sounding. Like... Nathan Nicholas Nichols kind of silly. (Those

Hold up, Now! You ladies ain’t got nothing on Ice Capades Barbie!

I also had the 57 Chevy!

Um... *hugs* I’m sorry you went through all of that. Just all of it.

Hopefully you didn’t have that Neelix dream after reading the fanfic about him in a brothel with a prehensile penis. (I’m 100% serious, it exists and did so recently because my hubs didn’t believe me and I found it to make him read, because the couple that brain bleaches together stays together.) Cause I came across

lol you just reminded me that I have sex dreams about riding in elevators XD Also, I would totally look for that waterslide in Dubai, they really make some niiiice ones.

Thank you. Also, your name! I adore Good Omens! <3

And it’s okay in my case. Karma has her trapped with her monster of a son and her ill husband while looking like a squat troll. I think life kicked her ass for me.

I’m about a million times more likely to have a weird birth dream. One time I dreamt I gave birth and it was a baby during the birthing process but then everything morphed into my sofa giving birth to a cloth kitten that then was a real orange tabby kitten. >.> That’s just the tip of the weird iceberg.

Hopefully he wakes up as the pins are being pulled...

From what I have seen from the two situations I have been in the radius of: there is first denial, then minimization and victim blaming. Then there is pretending that the family member did nothing wrong and the law is stupid and that their punishment is unjust.

In the situation that has been going on for a bout 20

I saw celebrations too. I didn’t remember them as being in Palestine. I remembered Iraq or Iran. I can’t remember which now. I remember being shocked that another country could hate us that much and then I remembered that they lived in a dictatorship. So I’m leaning towards Iraq as being the country I saw.

Edit: Wiki

Love you Jane Marie. I love Millihelen and I will miss every bit of it. <3

*reveling in the schadenfreude because she will not have to listen to the whining* Seriously, I listen to enough of that sort of shit day to day.

:( I love Millihelen and Kitchenette :(

It’s a morbid instinct that a lot of people have. It’s not quite real until you can see something, anything, of the horribleness.

I’m betting there is a ranking board and whoever wins at the end of all of this gets a big bottle of their favorite alcohol. If I’m wrong, they should work on making me right.

Maybe it’s time for the Orgasmo treatment and ask them if they want to be in a porno. >.> But I really like your brother’s tactic.

I’m sorry. Have you considered making a shrine to the fabulously gay satan for them to look at? That would be my first instinct after the second visit from the punks.

When I was dating my now husband, we lived about 1.5 hours apart and I would stay the weekend with him. We had a 3 day weekend and as I was leaving he kept grabbing me back more kisses. This is something that we do occasionally, but this went on for about 20 minutes. On the way home, the temperature dropped from mid

I have a coworker who... I have no idea how... seems to be a genuinely nice, if incredibly dumb girl who loves Trump. She even tried to go to the rally in question and meet the douchecanoe. But lord, is she a durr. *le sigh*