
I’m sorry what

I like Drake’s Country Club Cosplay look.

If I lived in Snorrslida I would klittra all the time.

Omg. Omg no. No.

That’s what I tell my boyfriend about my IUD. It’s my favorite family member.

Dude, as a 30-something I can’t be relied on to take my BC correctly. IUDs FOREVERRRRR!!!

at this point they are just cutting of their noses to spite their faces

Eh. He’s a young, skinny man. All young, skinny men have the same butt anyway. Couldn't tell his apart from my husbands in a line up.

I’ve seen better, tbh.

My reaction to your comment:

Wait, so you’re sexting some woman and think it’s reasonable to ask for pics of kids? Dating sure has changed since my day.

I want to buy your set of encyclopedias.

Pino noir, mid-size car. pino noir, candy bar, caviar....

Peeeeeeenoooooooooooooo nooooooooooiiiiiiiiirrrrr

UnnnBREAKABLE—they alive, Damnit! lol

Reese Witherspoon as Cher?? Sarah Michelle Gellar as Cher?!?

Murray is Turk in High School. #fact

Alicia Silverstone is THE ONLY Cher. I can just imagine any other popular blonde actresses from the 90’s auditioning for the role. Just no.

Reese seems passable because Elle Woods is basically a slight variation of Cher. I’m really struggling here trying to wrap my mind around Angelona Jolie as Cher. My brain is not allowing a mental image of that casting because it’s entirely too insane.

I actually think Reese Witherspoon would have been a passable choice. The others? Nope. Alicia Silverstone still wins, though.