
I agree. I don't like it when people address a problem by saying "just move." Jobs are not easy to come by these days, and having a community (even a racist one?) is not something that is so easy to give up. Move to San Fransisco? Yeah, right, because that place is so affordable. Liberal bastions of progressive racial


Yeah. The brooding would get tired reeeeeeeal quick.

One day of brooding is all I can take before punting the dude out on his ass.

Or..."Fine. Could THE NIGHT please take out the goddamn trash?"

Batman's wife: Take out the garbage please.

You would think that they'd be on board with something like oral that doesn't, you know, cause unwanted pregnancies. Nope. Sex for conception only.

I was a bank teller at a savings and loan in downtown Cleveland for awhile. I had this one homeless man that stayed at the YMCA , who would come to my window everyday and deposit several cheques for very small amounts... $.50, $1, $3. They were stock dividend cheques, rebate cheques...never over $5. He never took any

"No, we can't go over $100 million, that'd be too suspicious. Keep it in the 9os and we'll be fine."

eleven billionty.

You may laugh, but every super-rich person/member of the Illuminati does their banking at their local grocery store. Anything else is likely to attract attention.

That is my all-time favorite Val Kilmer movie.

Those boots are nice Dodai but for me it's all about the jacket.

That line makes me question things, because there are definitely Christians who believe that, but they are the types of Christians who would never even find (let alone use) a fanfic site because their internet filters are too strong. I'm leaning on the side of this being fake.

This HAS to be a joke. I grew up amongst fundamentalist Protestants, I've read all the Left Behind books, and I still count myself among the Jesus-following variety, so I speak the language of Christian-ese well. This CAN'T be real. It's just too much.

(I also love Harry Potter though, so what do I know? I'm basically

Okay but can we talk about Snape's chest hair?

I thought Frances was more into mammals. Then again, this being Catholicism, there's probably a patron saint of reptiles. *checks Google* Ye Olde saints miscellany says it's Patrick.

Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.

Words cannot express my affection for DAVE FRANCO.