"Does everyone have enough to drink? Brenda, how's the new job? How come no one is trying the onion dip?
"Does everyone have enough to drink? Brenda, how's the new job? How come no one is trying the onion dip?
Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.
Lentils, y'all.
I kind of wish this were a series: Lindy West Ruins Movies!
They also have the bonus of tasting like dirt.
Ahahaha! Yes. Fuck that guy. Kick him to the curb and move on spectacularly.
Hate, hate, hate men like this. They want you to keep wanting them because it's an ego boost. Lose him!! We've all been there.
A guy that swept you away with amazing sex and endless compliments falls out of touch with you and starts dating another woman, but then makes it known that he would be "really sad" if you were to cut ties with him to move on, needs to be kicked to the curb, right? Because I'm pretty sure I need to lose about 180lbs…
Is he holding skewers of tacquitos inbetween his fingers like some sort of bleach blond Wolverine from culinary hell?! I always think I can't hate him anymore than I already do, but every time I see his stupid face, the hateometer shoots up 10 points.
Seriously. Can't I just enter a normal, boring, ol' 5k without it being a rave or people throwing colorful powder in my face/eyes??
The first line had me all a fluster! A Pi... eating contest?
I'd do Atlas Shrugged. Nobody's going in there. Nobody. Of course then everyone will think I own a copy of Atlas Shrugged but thems the breaks.
So, you can clean them in the dishwasher?
I don't understand the fact that everyone sounds like they're on their way to a pirate convention all the time. "How long until you have to go to work?" "About three ARRRRs."
Pinkham, you ignorant slut. Cupcakes are marvellous because they have the perfect ratio of cake to frosting, ie, just as much frosting as cake IF NOT MORE.
This was so brilliant. I adore Jessica Williams, I always get excited when she comes on the screen. This was amazing in a "this is hilarious but incredibly depressing because it's completely true" kind of way.
Good god, the marketing team for these movies is phenomenal.
at this point I am almost more excited by the hunger games internet viral marketing then I am by hunger games movies. They are just so GOOD and so universe-true and its all I have ever wanted. LOOK AT POOR PEETA'S EYES. Can we take bets now that the first hit of district 13 will be an 'interruption' of panem.tv? Will…
A kicky pair of sunglasses lets you go peacocking, like Mystery Cat, world's greatest Cat Pickup artist and his signature underwater Jamiroquai hat