
Lyin' on the floor, Lyin' on the floor

Until you know what you want, I would put the whole thing on hold.

Honestly, I would run for the hills. Maybe bang him a couple more times but then bail. It all sounds too emotionally messy and I foresee heartbreak.

every time I see this gif, I get so turned on by this man who is prob like 80 now. Do you think he can still do that lip and eye roll simultaneously?

"It says:

I'm too pale for most bronzers. They just up making me look like I've got a dirty face.

I tend to think that bronzer is a filthy lie, something that looks great in photos, but can make a person look dirty in real life. My go to is cream blush with some shimmer, a light one for illuminating, and a somewhat darker one that can function as a bronzer but blends into skin better so you don't have the 80s

This happened to me once, too. At 18, though. I found the books on my 3rd move as an adult and made my boyfriend drop them off in the night drop box. I am petrified of that library now.

Back when I was a teenager and could read 14 books a week, I once forgot to return my haul. As such, I am now terrified of going to the library. Librarians, just, know, man...they KNOW.

I once brought a Yu-Gi-Oh binder t0 my 4th grade Gifted and Talented class and was mocked severely. That's when I knew acceptance would be a hard-fought battle. Know why? Not because I liked Yu-Gi-Oh so much. It was alright. I just distinctly thought the binder would up my social status amongst that group. It's failed

I can picture my wake tableau now: Me in a sweatshirt and pajama bottoms, stretched out on a couch, the laptop on my knees logged in to Jezebel, a box of wine nearby, while a prop cat crawls all over me.

I feel like more men calling them out might be the only hope. For some of these guys, there is literally nothing a woman can say that they will listen to or take seriously. Many are likely beyond help, but I think that how he is specifically targeting younger guys - telling them MRAs are insanely wrong about this

What? No "You go Glen Coco?"

...Not surprised that they made Anger into a male character. Even in dreamland, women & girls still aren't allowed to own anger. I would've loved Anger to be Kathy Griffin or Margaret Cho (manic fury). Linda Hamilton (slow-burn seethe). Roseanne Barr (clarion of discontent). Endless possibilities.

I'm so glad there are folks out there who like this shit. It saves the rest of us from having to date those dudes.

This is my worst nightmare. I get SUPER uncomfortable with public and/or cheesy romantic displays (if you try and stare into my eyes across the table at a restaurant I will cut you), and this is like that on steroids in the middle of a 'roid rage episode. Do not want. To whoever my future hubby is: please propose to

I would do this if the parents were banned from talking to me.

"She is damaged."

When I read this headline, I didn't put 2 & 2 together re: the actual sex. So I thought you were just referring to her as "fucking Lindsay Lohan." As in"I'm so sick of that fucking Lindsay Lohan." I was like DAMN, MARK. DAMN.