
It is the best state fair.

our state fair is the BEST. If you don't shit your pants on the bus ride home, you did it wrong.

Lady marrying a dude here. I prefer 'partner' and have a stronger affinity for it than 'husband' because it implies some pretty cool shit to me a lot better than the traditional titles.

I don't see what's wrong with the term "partner." I call my partner my "partner," and it is the ambiguity that makes it such a terrific label. At our age and in this type of relationship, "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" is insufficient to describe the kind of relationship we're in. I far prefer "partner" to "wife" or

This may also be a US thing. When I was living in NZ/Australia, the term partner was used VERY often. It seemed like it was used in lieu of boyfriend/girlfriend, because at a certain age, that begins to sound a bit immature for what the relationship is. I also heard it used for married couples as well. I like the

I like to refer to my life partner as my slam piece. Or, in more formal situations, I refer to him as mah boo.

On behalf of Minnesota, I'd like to invite you to the State Fair this summer. Not even joking, lets go get some damn lamb balls.

I use "partner" because my SO and I have been together for 8 years, and we have a car and a cat together and plan to have children together, so calling him my "boyfriend" seems silly. When we lived in New England, no one questioned it. In the South though people have asked me if I mean that I live with my business

He's been sexy since 1991, the year he became a Toy Soldier.

"The students who had been sending her harassing messages are current students at Stillwater High School and aren't facing disciplinary action from the school, because, according to a district spokesperson, they'd never been in trouble for cyber harassment before."

Those people who harassed Ms Funke — how do they live with themselves? How can they sleep at night? If I thought I'd been even partially responsible for bullying a person to suicide, I'd blow my own brains out. I don't understand how these people can carry on with their lives.

Don't try to understand Stillwater. Down that rabbit hole, there is only madness.

Seems a pretty clear cut case of harassment. I'm struggling to understand the mindset of Stillwater on this one.

As a Minnesotan living too far from MN, your post brings a tear to my eye (in the best way possible). I miss you, Pronto Pups!!!

The hot beef sundae and pork parfait sound like TV dinners stacked vertically, but fresh rather than reheated. Sign me up!

Me when I read "Lamb Fries:"

As a Minnesota State Fair goer - and one who goes primarily to ogle and comment on the food - allow me to comment:

Woooo MN State Fair! I spend far, far too much time there with my cows. A lot of unhealthy foods are eaten. I will be there for 13 days this year. I should be extra-large pants in advance.

No, I'm sure there are very few children anywhere who would mourn a loss of banana Runts, assuming most children were like me growing up in that regard.