
I mean, any artist that wants to make “great art” can make it from any art form, even something as "low art" as comics. Morrison complains about Moore being pretentious, but I really do think it’s because Moore is just more successful. (Personally I also think Moore is better, but I acknowledge that I like experiments

This. A love of putting structure and style first and foremost makes most of what Moore does literature, and the opposite makes most of what Morrison does storytelling.

Nicole Kidman is a DC Queen and I’m gonna need all y’all to respect that.

AFI literally excludes non-American films from its list, and I assure you there are 80+ non-American films better than It’s a Wonderful Life to knock it off the list.

Well, it’s not on the Wikipedia page of films considered the best, and while it makes AFI’s greatest film lists, it’s on nobody else’s. I’d chalk that paragraph up to Wikipedia pages being edited mostly by fans.

But one film that rarely, if ever, gets mentioned in that same list is Frank Capra’s iconic 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life.But why not?”

I know that TV Writing =/= comic writing, but Marvel/Disney will be complete idiots if they don’t at least try to grab some of these people for the comics, even if they don’t revive the shows.

Speaking as an actual Wiccan, I thought it was funny.

I don't even care, do you?

I mean, it was already clear given her choice of husband, but Melania really does just have the worst taste.

Only slightly tangential, but the overwhelming attention to something that’s barely there on Chris Pine reminded me of the massive freak out DC had about the Batwang, which was also so barely there it wasn’t worth freaking out about (although seeing Chris Pine AND Batman’s junk in a single year is good for my mental


Frankenberry is clearly some sort of corpse-plant hybrid a la Swamp Thing.

This. A restaurant sees germs from hundreds of people every day, with food coming from all over the place, and serious turn over time for food. Your home kitchen is a totally different environment.

Yup. It’s a bad place. Nothing about it or anything Michael says in season one should be trusted. Janet is the only bit of Good Place that’s there.

It was revealed a year or two ago and people should have watched it by now.

Arguably, she does, but it’s not in a Janet’s programming to object to a creator. She’s really confused when she puts in the frozen yogurt shops in, but Michael doesn’t hear out her complaint.

I’m not convinced that the Good Place in The Good Place is really similar to Michael’s neighborhood beyond some superficial things—like frozen yogurt, his neighborhood (all of it) is meant to be “a bit of a bummer” and probably doesn’t reflect what actual good people get.

Apparently it’s caused by magnets *jazz hands*.

Yeah, that’s why I thought of it. Both comment conversations are happening simultaneously in my notifications.