
And the subtle way that Magneto is both victim of and heir to Nazism/Nazi violence basically requires him to always have originated in WW2, no matter how ridiculously far in the past is gets.

FWIW, I think Homo superior is just the short version of homo sapiens superior, which is a subspecies of humanity, not an entirely different species.

Everything I hear about this movie makes me somehow simultaneously angrier and more apathetic.

This is exactly the model that would make me go to the movies. Like, do pirate films like we used to do Westerns, and add some lowkey character crossovers.

Into the sun.

Damn it, the world might not even BE here in 2020!

Ironically enough, it appears we all collectively dodged this bullet.

I mean, if he and Magento are contemporaries, he’d have been about 5 during WW2, but I take your point.

This, basically, although I’d also be interested in the Prof X/Magneto dynamic if Magneto stuck with WW2 as his origin while the Prof’s moved forward in time to, say, McCarthyism, or Vietnam.

Those leather jackets look ridiculous...ly hot.

I want things to be good, but they are going to fuck up Mina Harker and ruin the whole thing.

Did he also use the ironic chin-scratch emoji? Or multiple question marks??

Part of the reason it's failed is that half the source material isn't very good and ALL of it is too Jesusy to film seriously.

It was a joke dude. Lighten up.

If your vision changed tints, how would you know? Would you know?? 🤔

Of course one of the big things that draws him to Venom is his graphic look, which he only has because it’s a reflection of Spider-Man, Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film....


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Bob is great! He makes nerdy stuff all the time, including a Christmas Death Star for his roof a few years ago:

I mean, yes? Why wouldn’t they? The people from the place of ice and snow have just as much reason to develop heat control as the people from the volcanic islands do.