
It just occurred to me that while I bought my Bat-Comic, I haven’t read it yet! Off the internet I go!

See, I started with the same premise and got the opposite conclusion.

Yeah, I don’t know that I disagree with the idea that selflessness is good, but I definitely don’t think selflessness is the highest form of goodness.

Yeah, Bentham is cool because our true motivations aren’t knowable empirically, even to ourselves. So worrying about why you do a thing doesn’t make much difference to him.

You’re rehearsing a type of utilitarianism. Bentham, probably.

The great thing about this ethos is that being good and being an asshole aren’t mutually exclusive positions.

There is no schedule for coming out, and it isn’t a race. Sometimes it’ll be expedient to go back in the closet for a bit, but you’re still you even if you’re not out. You are not being dishonest when you make your safety and happiness paramount. And being out is a marathon, not a sprint—you’ll be coming out in any

We don’t deserve Kristin Chenoweth.

Hooray! I will make it a point to tune in. On television, no less!

This sounds awesome. I would buy the heck out of Nightwing ‘66.

“I just started reading them, and I’m having a really hard time,” Pfeiffer said. “There’s so much information on a page, and it’s not linear. When I’m skim reading them it’s difficult to know that this part comes after that and who is talking in what bubble.”

His company was the money person, basically. So little creative control, but without his cash these things wouldn’t exist. That puts hims roughly where the Catholic church was for da Vinci—the patron with the cash.

But this would hardly be the first time the left has hounded someone out of employment for wrongthink, would it?

Awesome! It was so much fun watching her in Cursed, I know she’ll be great for another horror film.

You might be remembering the story behind Ellen Ripley.

I’m guessing that since Suicide Squad is terrible, he was told to get in the news and clean up his act before Blade Runner 2049 hits. And here we are.

You know what’s great? Being a casual fan. I don’t need to be able to recite the every joke in Rick and Morty to say I’m a fan of it. But I’m still a fan.

Well, she mixes a very similar powder into the plaster she uses on the wall. So there’s a direct connection between the stuff fixing the house and her.

Because he’s gay, obviously.