
Where else are they gonna go? Central City has on/off gorilla problems and the occasional ice age, Star City has a strong possibility of arrow attacks and crazy mafia guys, Metropolis gives you a one in five chance of a building landing on you—even Smallville has unseasonable meteor showers.

This is where I ask rhetorically if Patty Jenkins would have gotten the opportunity to “apologize” if Wonder Woman hadn’t been good, and then tell Vaughn he gets one bite at the apple.

Sarah Connor is the only bit of the franchise worth rebooting, so I’m tentatively down.

If I believed it (I don’t), this might actually be a good thing for the WB to consider, given the success they’ve had with auteurs in the past (Burton, Nolan). But if this is the case, then why on earth would you continue to have a cinematic universe? Silo the characters into their own franchises the way you’ve done

So this is the B-Plot of del Toro’s Hellboy III, starring Abe Sapien, turned into a feature? I’m gonna watch the shit out of this.

They mean this:

Time to nationalize Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

The rules put a pretty simple line in place—no overt Nazi symbolism. So Daleks are fine, Swatica-covered Daleks are not.

Sounds about right. Remember that in “Hank After Dark” and “Brrap Brrap, Pew Pew,” Bojack was literally sidelined by Diane either taking over his book tour or telling him she was too busy tweeting to talk.

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BoJack has to be pretty high on the list.

Yeah, I was thinking about Rogue even as I typed that. She-Hulk once used the Avenger security system to demonstrate that the kid in the Spider-Man costume suing The Daily Bugle for libel was actually Spider-Man, so there’s that.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Power demonstration?

So crazy personal anecdote time: my sister and I might be the only people who saw this show in black and white. We would go to my mother’s flower shop after daycare/school (this was 1995ish), and watch the Magic School Bus on an old black and white 12 inch. It was only for a year until my parents bought a new color TV

I’ve been watching it again for the first time since I was a kid and nothing has hit me as much as the orchestral music in ever scene. It is glorious.

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Dacre Stoker suuuuucks. Dracula:The Un-Dead is the worrrrrrrrrst.

This already exists and was written by a woman: Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

Well, it has an ending. The whole plot of the book is there. But it’s nowhere near as done as his other books are. It’s clearly a draft version.

Yes! This is exactly what I mean.