
Not really. I don't view her like that. She's not an employee, she's a valued member of the team who has been right on more than one occasion & who has some good ideas. I guess I don't see her as overstepping decisions as if Oliver is the only one allowed to make them?

Yeah, when they didn't show his face I immediately thought he'd be back for S6.

Oliver himself has said she doesn't work for him so I'm not sure why she'd be undermining or taking control when she's a joint member of the team.

Woah, this review was posted earlier than usual!

So are we heading for some kind of breakdown for Felicity soon? Idk, I was thinking about subtle things that have happened, like she was ok with Diggle torturing that guy in Russia. She's totally cool with Oliver using the Bratva to kill Chasemetheus when she probably would've had some issues with it before. She's

This is what Arrow does though. It repeats emotional beats and storylines every single season. But Oliver's conflict especially does feel tired now. We've been there, done that, worn the t-shirt with his brooding now.

I'd like some Olicity back too, as long as they keep the drama out of it. Just be lowkey in the background.

I hope not. I don't want them to kill off yet another Canary (or another female character), even though I think the whole interchangeable Single White Canary thing is icky. Plus the actress who plays Dinah is much more believable in the role (from a stunt/fighting standpoint) and Cassidy is much more believable as a

All I got out of this episode is that Felicity needs to wear those black jeans all the time. Wowzer!

Black Siren/Katie Cassidy following up Chasemethus as the main villain? I don't think so. She'll be laughed out of the room! Chasemetheus is awesome.

lollolololololol what on earth??? Why? At least she won't be Black Canary. She wasn't good in that role at all and Dinah is slowly growing on me. I'd rather this not happen at all but Cassidy is better as a villain.

Exactly. This is one of the reasons I don't believe it. If he enjoyed killing he would've had no problem killing Evelyn and he wouldn't have apologised. He was visibly upset when he thought Chasemetheus had snapped her neck.

So I'm committing to my claim last week. Chasemetheus is now my favourite villain. Surpasses Slade for me. He's legit crazy and doesn't even care and I have no idea what he'll do next. Josh Segarra is killing it.

I agree, the show is overcrowded and has been for a while now. But I like Thea and Diggle and I'd rather they were given focus and stuff to do than, say, Rene and Dinah and even Curtis. We didn't need a new or bigger team. Just wish they'd write better for the one they already had.

This was the best episode of the season. I love to watch a good villain and Arrow has been lacking on that front for a while now. Team Prometheus!

That's why I said "might." We've still got a few episodes for them to mess everything up, as usual, lol.

"Please don't threaten me. I'm in mourning."

I can't remember when it was exactly but after Prometheus attacked him, Oliver recognised some moves that Talia had taught him, so he knew then that Talia must've taught Prometheus too.

I don't think anyone feels bad about Billy, myself included. He was a plot point, not even a character.

Except it was framed (by Felicity's response) as him asking for help/advice on his love life, which is messed up. Not least because she's his ex fiance but also because he killed her boyfriend a few episodes ago.