I think we'll have to agree to disagree! :)
I think we'll have to agree to disagree! :)
Sure. But even casual viewers know they won't kill off their entire cast so the suspense doesn't really work, imo.
lol, well, to be fair, there has been quite a few Canaries! :)
Idk because they made it sound as if she only turned against him once she found out he had killed people. So I'm not sure. I don't know why I bother to ask about Evelyn's motivations when the writers probably don't even remember what they wrote, lol.
Ha, my bad, I got the line wrong. Even so, it made no sense. How would Dinah be replacing E2 Laurel??
I thought both S3 and S4 had some really good and solid episodes mixed with some really terrible ones. But then I think the same about every season, including this one. I honestly can't say one season as a whole was flawless. So all the complaints about S3/4 being the worst don't really make sense to me.
To me a cliffhanger needs to be suspenseful and make me want the next episode immediately. This didn't achieve that. But YMMV.
That's fair. I'm not sure it was a long enough to scene for their chemistry to really shine tbh. It was pretty quick. But it was enough for me to see how much they love and want to be with each other and that's all I needed.
Oh yeah, I know showrunners lie all the time. But in the instance it's not just one or two characters. They blew up the whole cast apart from Oliver and just expect us to believe they might be all dead? lol no.
I'm still wondering why Black Siren said to Dinah "You think you can steal my life?" Why is BS all up in here thinking she's E1 Laurel?
And shorter.
"It's gonna be lonely, without mom and Felicity…"
She's beautiful!
I'm cool with Oliver bonding with his son. My problem with the kid has always been that we never saw any of that relationship so I was never invested. I need to see this stuff. I guess I just don't feel any suspense from putting the whole cast in peril. It reminds me of the scene at the end of S3 where they made it…
Exactly. Season 4a minus the introduction of baby mama drama was great for Olicity. I don't know why they ever felt the need to introduce such badly written and contrived drama to their relationship (lol I do, this is the CW). Olicity don't need that and most importantly, it doesn't work for them because their…
Dinah's Black Canary now though.
I would've gladly ditched quite a few episodes this season. Mostly the gun control episode. Why does that exist? Worst episode I've ever seen.
Even just a two hour finale would've solved a lot of issues I have tbh.
Nope. I'm hopeful they learned from their mistakes. I felt the only problem with Olicity was the whole baby mama drama which was awful on all fronts. Up until that point, they worked really well together. And their chemistry is fantastic, even now. As long as they remember that the OTT drama doesn't work I think it'll…
I think Evelyn might because she was still in the cage but I doubt anyone else is.