She could be this season's big bad though. Prometheus could just be working for her. She did train him after all.
She could be this season's big bad though. Prometheus could just be working for her. She did train him after all.
I'll give you 5x08, just for the goodbye to his parents. But everything else has been pretty lackluster, in my opinion. But again, I hope he's intentionally playing him like he's depressed otherwise I don't know what's going on.
Usually I'd completely agree about Stephen Amell but I feel like he's been phoning in his performance this season. It all feels a bit lifeless for some reason. I'm actually hoping it's intentional to show how unhappy he is (contrast to early last season when he was very content) but I can't know for sure yet.
Exactly. I know Oliver and the team will win out in the end because they always do so I can enjoy Prometheus for what he is now. Plus I'm not liking Oliver lately so I get an extra kick of him being messed around, lol.
Meh. I love to root for a good villain. Obviously the hero will win out in the end because this is Arrow and it's predictable. But I can find enjoyment wherever I can and right now I'm looking forward to seeing Prometheus mess with Oliver for as long as possible.
Oh for sure there is more to it. But it's still another grudge he has against him.
This. What an asshole.
I guessed Chase was Prometheus when they signed Josh Segarra as a season regular but we barely saw him on screen. So I can't say I was surprised. Also, the minute Chase said Oliver stole his girlfriend from him when he was first introduced. It always links back to women somehow.
Sure, there's a difference. Hence the reason Susan isn't dead right now.
lol does no one see how creepy this is? It really is like Single White Female, Arrow style.
Another meh episode, though it was better than last week's train wreck.
Ah. It's hard to get that across the internet!
That's Moss from The IT Crowd.
Same. You know it's bad when I'm actually rooting for Prometheus to destroy him, lol. I just don't like Oliver this season.
Exactly. She's awful and Oliver is an idiot for even going there. A mayor dating a reporter is bad enough. A mayor who is also the Green Arrow dating a reporter is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen, lol.
I don't think that's an opinion. That's a refusal to give her one and slap an excuse on it. I just don't believe Felicity would say that but YMMV.
I wouldn't like to see Diggle cheat on Lyla (plus I like Lyla and their relationship) but I have to admit, there was some crazy chemistry between him and Dinah.
Well, she certainly has a good PI who investigates for her. And she was very fortunate that Human Target gave her that picture of Oliver in Russia. So lucky! But other than that, I got nothing, lol. Let's just put it down to a plague of dumb in Star City. Seriously, why do people still live there?
I'm sure that's how it's gonna go too. Seems like a waste of time if you ask me.
LOL! Did you see the end scene last episode where they were in bed? Oliver looked like he wanted to die rather than a man who was satisfied. I still laugh about it.