
I think for me the issue is just that nothing we've seen from Susan suggests she's either a good person or a good reporter? I mean, she has a very good PI who investigates for her! But as a person I think she's pretty terrible, ever since she did Thea dirty when she was first introduced. So when Oliver argues against

Exactly. The hypocrisy was alive and well in this episode and as a result, the message was lost.

So many ethical lines! It really does come across like she's sleeping with him specifically for her job and yikes that's gross.

Probably because the writers need him to for a gotcha moment later in the season? I'm not sure. But I do know that this supposed 'serious' relationship doesn't come across on screen. They kissed once, then had sex and suddenly he's serious about her? Lol ok. It feels more plotty than anything. It's very weird and is

Thea was the best part of the episode. I'd missed her presence more than I realised. But I especially liked how much she hated Susan because SAME. Susan is not a good person or a good reporter, Oliver. Stop being so monumentally dumb.

I've literally just said the same thing. It's ridiculous. She'd absolutely have an opinion, even if she hadn't been shot and paralysed. I don't know why they continue to silence Felicity's voice (and that of their female characters) but it's becoming a serious problem.

I'm probably in a minority but this was the worst episode I've ever seen. It was heavy handed. Preachy. And pretty OOC most of the time. The characters were more mouthpieces for the writers than actual characters.

Thea doesn't count as they're related. Nyssa is a lesbian. I have no idea if they're still married or not though.

Another thing. I really liked seeing the difference in Felicity here, since the first season. In her first undercover mission in the underground casino back in S1 she was pretty nervous and a bit like a fish out of water, even though she held her own. Fast forward to this episode and girl is confidently walking into

It's gross because she's Laurel's replacement. She has her name, the canary cry. She'll eventually be going by the Black Canary codename. She's essentially stepping into her shoes. It's just weird that they have to have Oliver sleep with everyone who becomes a Canary. It comes across like women are interchangeable.

It was terrible. Oliver looked like he was waiting for death instead of being content and chill from all the sex, lol. Awkward! I don't think the holding onto his past thing was anything to do with Felicity. I guess he was worried about his darkness affecting people around him but he was trying to let that go and move

I would actually prefer that. Sleeping with her would still be kinda gross but at least he wouldn't be such a moron.

That could work. I don't know what I want to happen but I'm actually hoping it blows up in Oliver's face for being so damn dumb.

I liked Isabel too. I actually wanted more of her in S2. Nyssa snapped her neck like a twig and it was awesome, lol.

I'm actually hoping that doesn't happen. Can we have one woman on the show who is not tied to Oliver's dick?

Yeah, I liked him. I thought the actor fit really well. But his magic rags didn't really work on the show long term.

I don't even know if it would be because he killed Ra's. I thought Prometheus was a result of things Oliver did in the first season. So if Talia did train/create him, I'm assuming it was because he didn't do what she wanted him to do when he first returned from the island?

Either that or she's the one who created him with a specific purpose of going after Oliver.

I don't need Oliver to be cocky or anything. Or even happy all the time. But we go through the same crap where he broods and he's at war with his darkness and it needs to stop. But it's like they hit the reset every season and it starts all over again. It's boring me.

The last shady woman Oliver slept with ended up getting hit by Felicity in the van so I only hope that was a precedent set and it happens again.