
"You, me, Felicity. We make each other better." This show is always better when OTA are the emotional cornerstone and this dynamic has been missing. It was nice to see them acknowledge it and I like that they're trying for a role reversal with Oliver worried about Diggle and Felicity for a change.

Sure, I'd agree with that. In the second season. Not now.

lol dude. I agree she wasn't right in this role and was miscast from the start but I can still feel bad for her fans. The nice ones. Not the a-holes who've been abusive to other fans for having a different opinion.

I don't know who Prometheus is. I doubt it's Billy though. My original guess was Tommy and he was somehow resurrected by the LP. I don't know. And lol Oliver has been killing people all season. I doubt the fact that Billy was a cop is going to change anything. It'll just be glossed over as per usual.

Ah. Ok! Yeah, they'd probably have to backtrack quite a lot.

Well, I don't think we'll ever know for sure. I never really paid much attention to rumours before but even I have to admit it looks pretty obvious that they simply wanted Cassidy gone. They never wrote Laurel well, literally from the Pilot.

Absolutely clumsy. But I'm not sure how boxed in you can be on a show with flashpoint, lazarus pits and other earths as options to bring someone back from the dead.

Hey, I agree with you. I've barely been watching this season because it feels like they've removed everything I once enjoyed about the show. I'm bored for the most part. And I thought Billy was pointless from the start. He was a plot point. I'm just saying that Felicity clearly didn't love him which is why I believe

I think we're supposed to assume Felicity is making questionable choices/bad decisions right now because yeah, as soon as she plugged that usb in I thought it was a virus or something. Felicity wouldn't be that stupid. So I'm gonna assume she's not thinking clearly.

No, you're not the only one. The whole thing had me rolling my eyes. The tough girl thing was so overdone and forced. And the way everyone kept saying she was the best thing ever was so heavy handed.

The writers either realised they made a mistake killing BC or they really didn't want Katie Cassidy in the role. I can't quite figure out which one it is. Because when you think about it, they easily could've bought Laurel back from the dead if they really wanted to but they didn't. They replaced her.

Yeah, it's really weird how Oliver is wanting to stand by Laurel's death bed wish but doesn't give a crap about his very alive friend rotting in jail. What has happened to Oliver this season? He's kinda selfish?

Hopefully never. I don't want to see Oliver fuck yet another Canary. No thanks to that. Why can't they just be a partnership?

Felicity didn't love Billy. She couldn't even say she loved him and couldn't manage to call him her boyfriend. I think she cared about him but love is a real stretch. The thing is, people would complain if she was crying and moping around so she just can't win. Either you want her as comic relief or not.

I'm genuinely confused by the way they're retconning Laurel's abilities/legacy. I never saw any of the Laurel they talk about week after week. And they've made Oliver so dumb for some reason and it's getting tedious to watch. I'm actually starting to dislike him.

I feel like an odd one out because this episode was boring. If this is a glimpse at a GA/BC show, I will actually check out. Dinah was literally a male Oliver - broody, very little personality. The tough girl act was tedious after about ten minutes. Watching them together week after week will have me checking out very

I can appreciate why you like the idea. Totally. I just think they messed up with the BC character and should put it to rest. And I still think it should have stayed with Sara in the first place. Sara was the best. On the show the Canary legacy is really hers. I don't need to see it with anyone else.

Not really. I don't believe Arrow needs a BC, never did. But Sara could maintain the mantle and maybe crossover once or twice a season.

This. So ham-fisted. I actually rolled my eyes.

I've not really been watching this season much (I've seen 3 episodes total) but this episode made me reconsider watching properly again. Felicity was fantastic, probably the best Felicity episode for a long time. I liked that Oliver and Felicity got to interact again. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I really