I love Barrowman but Malcolm needs to die. And I'm getting increasingly annoyed at Thea and Oliver for not killing him when he's just so terrible and will never stop. They're idiots.
I love Barrowman but Malcolm needs to die. And I'm getting increasingly annoyed at Thea and Oliver for not killing him when he's just so terrible and will never stop. They're idiots.
She found out though and didn't freak out. I think that's about all we're getting.
Haha poor Quentin is just sitting down in the bunker wondering wtf is going on.
LOL his lie didn't even protect his son though, did it? He ended up kidnapped. If he had actually told Felicity what was going on - maybe that Malcolm knew William existed - she could have been able to help. You know, maybe get William and Samantha some new identities to keep them safe for a while?
I really enjoyed the Felicity and Friends part of the episode and NO I'm not being sarcastic. Hate on her all you want, I still love her. I thought there was a good balance/contrast of the Smoak family and Curtis with the action going on below ground.
No, my original comment was about people calling Felicity a Mary Sue, not you specifically.
Yeah, but she's an intelligent woman who knows about tech. I still don't think that makes her a Mary Sue, going back to the original comment.
I think he needs to be 100% evil again and the other characters need to treat him as such. No more 'but he's Thea's dad' excuses. Keeping him around the team makes them look stupid. He needs to go back to working against them and not just to 'save Thea.' That might solve the problem.
She's definitely a computer genius and always has been. Engineering, not so much. They direct all that stuff to either Cisco or Curtis now.
I hope someone gives you a hug today.
Ha, sorry, I suppose I should have punctuated better! I actually just meant next week is about Thea. And Oliver trying to save Thea.
I sure hope so because I'm so over Thea needing to be saved. That was the whole plot of Season 3, mostly, and we did it earlier this season with the bloodlust too. I've had enough of it.
I think so. The last few episodes have been really good but then I always enjoy the show, despite the ups and downs.
I'm hoping they end the flashbacks at the end of Season 5 so we come full circle to his five years in hell. Then I hope the show ends after Season 6. I enjoy this show a lot but there's no way it needs more than six seasons.
This has been discussed elsewhere on the board but Felicity could only change the GPS to within 20 miles of the missile's original target.
Wow. Who hurt you?
How sad. I feel for them. :(
She's told Oliver he needs to kill…twice. Once was Ra's and the second time was Damien. Both evil people, both good reasons. But sure.
Well of course. That's a given at this point. People who hate Felicity talk more about her than her actual fans. So sad.