Well, seeing as I've seen nothing but comic fans moaning for three years about how GA is supposed to be lighter, I think it's a fair assumption.
Well, seeing as I've seen nothing but comic fans moaning for three years about how GA is supposed to be lighter, I think it's a fair assumption.
Why would you still comment if you were done after S3 though? Honest question. When I drop a show, I drop it and move on.
It's just one part of it though. I don't know what the big deal is. The Green Arrow is still gonna need to be GA to defeat him. And I thought people wanted a lighter tone? I'm guessing some people will never be satisfied.
lol not really. I think it's more than that. The answer to not getting killed by Dahrk's magic was to use the lightness within but they have to actually defeat him too. They can't put him down permanently just by thinking happy things haha.
Oh yeah! I didn't even think of that. Good catch! I love parallels and callbacks.
Damien snapping that woman's neck was great, as much as snapping necks can be. Lol.
I didn't think Diggle had been killing anyone. I thought his bullets used when he goes out in the field were tranq darts.
That was the cutest moment!
Same. I was worried they'd have Felicity be the only voice Oliver heard so when he said he heard the whole team, I was relieved. I really like Oliver and Felicity together but I don't need her to be the saviour of his soul or whatever.
This. I actually expected Oliver to be more 'dark' in the flashbacks this season. We're supposed to be working towards how he was in the Pilot but he's felt like present day Oliver for the most part. So they need to make him darker and soon. Hopefully Bratva will do that.
I didn't see it as begging as much as taunting him because he thought that Diggle would never kill him because he was his brother. So the shock at the end was priceless and deserved.
Sigh. No. You must have missed the point where Oliver was the one who used the light against Damien.
I know. It's pretty sad. Some people need to find some new hobbies.
I think you might be right.
lol really? How pathetic. This was a fantastic episode and I'm seeing many people say the same thing.
Hmm. I disagree. I think it had to be someone Diggle had been working with for a while to really have the impact it's having now.
Quentin's death wouldn't have powered Diggle's storyline like Laurel's death has done though.
I know, it could go either way at this point. How would he not be freaked out once she pointed those things out? Weird.
I also thought Felicity was lots of fun in the underground casino. She just sauntered in there like it was her home. I guess growing up in Vegas does that to you! And I liked how her generosity with the chips was the reason why the shaman even gave them the time of day.
So was Alex just unwittingly taking those yellow pills given to him by Ruve or is there more than we're seeing? I can't make up my mind. It's just he seemed genuinely clueless about what Thea was saying about the noise loop with the birds tweeting and the dogs barking. And here I thought he was intelligent. Guess not!