Yeah, she was rocking that dress. Girl looked goooood.
Yeah, she was rocking that dress. Girl looked goooood.
That whole scene was so well done. Andy was shocked but Diggle was probably even more shocked. He couldn't believe he'd done it either. Great scene.
Lyla is badass. Can we keep her?
I really liked the Season 2 callback with her hitting the bad guys with the van while trying to help Diggle.
I get what you're saying but I definitely didn't view it that way at all. It didn't feel like a ranking of dark/bad things that had happened from 'just bad' to 'epically terrible omg!' It was just bad things.
Uh, no? They were just all grouped in as things that were bad for Oliver.
"Andy told me Genesis was coming."
Surprised by the B+ rating. I thought this was the best episode in a long time. Easily an A for me. Amazing how much better this show is without the flashbacks.
Where's the new episode review?
Well, if it was me I'd be upset if I found out that my ex had cheated on me yet again and had a child. I understood that part. And seeing as that happened in episode 15 and Laurel died in episode 18, I'm not sure how Olicity shippers could complain to Guggenheim and get him to change a script and re-film an episode…
More than a freaking week. Come on!
Huh? When did she say that? If you're talking about Damien's idol, they glued that back together when she was no longer on the team.
Nyssa's understated grief was the best. She was so reserved and almost reluctant to let anyone see her cry. It was just so Nyssa.
Thanks! It's just so catchy! :D
Yeah, that one minute scene was just so unnecessary and took over the whole episode!!
Just that I don't think the show NEEDS a Black Canary. Just like the comment above thinks it's wrong to have a GA show without BC, I disagree. This is not a joint GA/BC show. It's about Arrow and BC happened to be on it for a while. But it won't suddenly fail without her. That's what I meant. I wasn't even getting…
Oh, why?! :(
Uh, yes. I was serious. I don't understand the logic because as I already explained, Laurel and Oliver were over and they were never going to go there again. Laurel was never 'in the way' and Olicity were already a thing when Laurel was alive.
Absolutely. I was pleased to see Oliver's growth in this episode. He was supporting everyone and bringing Digg back from the brink. He's come so far!
Well, that was sort of understood when I made my original comment. LOL. I know some people don't like Felicity. But I also know some people do. SIMPLES!