
I don't see it as pointless or redundant at all. Felicity was no longer on the team and she had no idea what had happened. I thought it was natural for her to go 'What if?' 'What if I had still been on the team would this have still happened?' I think it's a natural thing for everyone/anyone to wonder.

I've no doubt there are some Olicity fans who celebrated. Just like there was Lauriver fans who celebrated when Felicity was shot earlier in the season. People are horrible. But I've not seen any of that personally. People are either sad that Laurel is dead or they're not all that bothered. I've not seen celebrations.

That's true. I do interpret it that Laurel never loved Tommy. She was quick to jump into bed with Oliver while Tommy was alive and she was quick to kiss Oliver a couple of weeks after Tommy died. I saw her 'I loved Tommy' speech as something nice she said at his funeral. Also I'm sure she loved him as a friend.

So much truth.

Huh. That's interesting considering I myself like Olicity and did no such thing. Curious and curiouser.

Can I ask how Laurel dying appeases Olicity 'marks'? I really don't understand that logic when Olicity were a thing (and heading for marriage) even when Laurel was alive. It wasn't a case of Laurel had to die so Olicity could happen so I'm genuinely baffled by that statement.

Laurel was never a better option for Oliver. EVER.

I didn't even see it that way. Everyone was blaming themselves in their own way and Felicity took a moment to admit she felt bad because she should have been there and maybe if she was, things would be different. I don't see that as making Laurel's death about herself.

Huh? When did Felicity try to make Laurel's death about her?

I know but that was already bad enough. They made it worse! His body wasn't even cold dude! And Laurel was all dreamy and happy for the future. World of NOPE.

Nah, they bought back Sara for a reason.

LOL. Are you kidding or are you being serious? I really can't tell!

There's a lot of those comments on twitter.

That scene ruined that song for me though. :(

People are boycotting the show? Laurel was everyone's favourite? Is it opposite day or something? LOL.

OR she just wanted to wear pants that day. :P

Yeah, and they still haven't told us why. Was Oliver bored and depressed one night in the bunker without Felicity and just decided "Oh, I know, I'll put this back together just for something to do." So weird.

It says only 13 users left a community grade though. Not sure if that's indicative of anything.

Haha whatever it was, it was terrible and I want them to burn it. I'm choosing to believe Donna bought it for her and she didn't have the heart to say she hated it.

I think it's almost like another Undertaking, except HIVE want to destroy the whole city and more, I think, not just the Glades.