It's looked like that for a while. Last week Curtis and his husband were actually in Diggle's apartment. LOL. They're always reusing sets and badly.
It's looked like that for a while. Last week Curtis and his husband were actually in Diggle's apartment. LOL. They're always reusing sets and badly.
She is dead dead. The EP's have confirmed as much.
I totally agree that the energy and emotional punch was missing. I thought the whole scene where Damien stabs her was lacking in something. I think it was the fact that he actually said why he was stabbing before he did it that just took the shock away.
No but the irony though. Laurel's own actions had Nyssa destroy the very thing that could have saved her. Like…woah. That's harsh.
Yeah, same. I'm not a Laurel fan, never have been, but that whole before-death scene was an embarrassment and disservice to her character and fans. I really don't know what they were trying to achieve with it.
I'm dying of embarrassment thinking about it. He treated her like shit and their relationship was a toxic mess and yet she kept the picture (even when he was in love and engaged to another woman) and still thought of him as the love of her life. I'm embarrassed for her. Not a good way to go out.
Haha thanks for the heads up. Had no idea!
Why? What do you mean?
So dumb. But this is like the highest level of dumb. LOL.
Is no one gonna talk about the fact that Team Arrow reassembled that magic totem? They put it back together and then stuck it in a box on display. ARE THEY STUPID?!!
So entitlement then. Good to know.
I thought the whole point of this death was to bring back the stakes to the show. This would be ridiculous to be a fake-out. I'm so over them and I could do without the endless debate about it for the next 5 episodes.
By all accounts here, she's supposedly popular though. So which is it?
Well that's nice for you. LOL.
That whole love of my life thing made me feel sad for Tommy. He really loved her.
Can someone explain to me the reasoning that we can't have a Green Arrow show without Black Canary? Or that there's no GA without BC? Because, correct me if I'm wrong, Oliver has been a hero for 4 seasons now and he got there WITHOUT Laurel. And Laurel wasn't even BC until season 3. I don't know, just that very idea…
I don't think it was a good episode but I do think Laurel was the right one to go.
I might be in a minority but I think the right person died. I've felt for a long time that Laurel didn't really have a place on the show, even more so when she became the Black Canary. The only reason she worked better this season is because she had less screen time. Even in the scenes in this episode, it just didn't…
I don't really see it as cowardly considering she's a comic book character who all comic fans thought was invincible. Until I saw spoilers of this death, I honestly never thought they'd have the guts to kill her.
The whole Oliver/Laurel thing didn't need to be touched on ever again. They buried it a long time ago, successfully too, so to find out she had been carrying around the picture of herself that he gave back to her at some point was a little pathetic to me. And came out of nowhere, in my opinion.
Her before-death scene…