lol what? Sorry but the dude just broke up with the woman he wanted to marry and then his ex is offering support and giving him soft touches here and there. It's kinda weird. Sorry, that's just how I felt watching it.
lol what? Sorry but the dude just broke up with the woman he wanted to marry and then his ex is offering support and giving him soft touches here and there. It's kinda weird. Sorry, that's just how I felt watching it.
Oh really? I had no idea it was gonna change its cast. Interesting. I guess we'll see.
If Laurel does die, and I'm saying 'if' because nothing is certain here, I don't think they'd bring Sara back full time. LoT has a second season. She'd be occupied there. But I could see her dropping in sometimes.
Uh, I know that. But the Arrow universe does have another Canary. That's all I was saying.
I think Felicity can do both. She can do her work at Palmer Tech and also be on the team. She's just having her doubts right now.
But don't you think it would be a good thing to remind the audience that masks aren't immune? They need to show that what they do is dangerous. As for Quentin, who knows what he would do. I could see him throwing himself into vengeance if Laurel died though.
Yeah, I know the death is the next episode but it doesn't exactly tell us who dies. I thought the promo hinted at it being Diggle, even though I don't think it's him at all. Also how do we know the episode after is called Canary Cry?
Oh, it would be so sad for Quentin, I totally agree with that. But I also think this might open up some stories for him though? He mainly interacted with Laurel most of the time so this could be the chance to shift/open the dynamics.
I don't think the promo confirmed anything. I actually thought the promo hinted at it being Diggle which personally I think is a misdirect.
Did they mark Curtis' husband Paul for death in this episode? It felt a bit on the nose with him keeping secrets about what he was doing. And he was happy being at home with him so what's gonna happen to motivate him to become Mr Terrific. I only ask because this show relies heavily on death as motivation.
That's right. Thank you.
Actually that wasn't what I was saying at all and I wasn't the shitty one here. I was just offering a different viewpoint which is what happens on these boards. And I meant what I said when I respect your opinion that you'd lose respect for the show. I wouldn't want to watch a show that killed off my favourite…
Wasn't the Bee Man Robot thing in The Flash Year 0 comics that featured Felicity? I think it's the first time she encountered her nemesis in canon but we just didn't see their face.
Yeah, they do tend to repeat the same beats with keeping secrets from loved ones. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
Wow, ok. Believe whatever you want. But I do happen to think it would be brave to kill off a comic book character when everyone is under the illusion that they're safe simply because they're from the comics. AND I also want Laurel gone. I can think both things at once you know.
I liked Sara a lot so I'd be totally ok with that.
Haha, she is better in smaller doses. But she was definitely used well in this episode.
Not sure they could do that in 6 episodes, especially with the big death coming up and the aftermath of that. I definitely think S5 though.
I have plenty of other notes, thank you. I could say the same to you, responding to all of the Laurel comments, but I won't. :)
Yeah, probably. Most of them. I don't like her. Is that a problem?