
How funny we didn't hear any praise for this director and yet the cast wouldn't shut up about the stunt guy directing some episodes. Probably because she's a woman.

This was actually a Diggle-centric episode, FYI.

No one wanted her to be called Oracle. That's the point, I think. They were never gonna call Felicity Oracle and still people were whiny fan babies about it. Like it's unheard of that more than one woman can be in a wheelchair in the DC universe.

Let's all ignore that ever happened because we all know they threw Sara under the bus to prop Laurel last season and they also used Felicity to do it. Ugh.

Wait, is this actually a complaint?! She mentioned a terrible thing that Waller did because Waller was actually a pretty crappy person. I think it's totally normal to say things like that. I kind of like that she says things others won't.

Same. I really believe their relationship. The actors have amazing chemistry and I feel like it's gotten better somehow. More natural.

I thought there had been a month time jump from last episode? And she'd been holed up in the loft taking painkillers for a week.

I think it was a different kind of confidence. It seems like she was always confident in her abilities. She can still be awkward and fumbling and know she has a great brain.

I'm not even talking about her being cooler or more beautiful. Katie Cassidy is a very pretty woman always (season 2 she looked terrible though). But after Sara I just cannot and will not buy her as the BC. I'm always taken out of her scenes as BC. Lawyer Laurel is fine though.

Anything would probably be better than what we have now. I guess I just don't find her believable as Black Canary.

Great episode. I always enjoy the ones focused on Felicity and Diggle. Hallucination Felicity was great, really liked how they did that. I might be in a minority here but I loved all the Oliver/Felicity scenes. I really do love that relationship. I think they bring out the best in each other and that was pretty

She definitely should have stayed Lawyer Laurel and not Black Canary.

LOL. I can dream though. But I agree. I doubt it will be Laurel. Not because she adds anything to the show but because they're too damn gutless to kill her off.

LOL, well yes. Basically. Her codename won't be Oracle. I thought all the whiny comic book fans would be pleased about that?

She definitely wasn't wearing the ring in the limo. Pretty sure they are broken up, though I hope it's not for too long.

LOL. This is Arrow. Oliver is the main character. That will never happen. Thankfully. A show where Laurel is the lead? NO THANKS.

Ugh, she's just so bad.

They need to get the show back to when it was just Oliver, Diggle and Felicity. I know they have to evolve the team but Laurel and Thea are doing Oliver no favours. They're getting a lot of screen time with the stunts and ass kicking, and Oliver meanwhile is getting nothing. And when he does get something he's knocked

I feel bad for hoping it's the kid but I don't want kids on this show. I'd love for them to kill Laurel off finally but I don't think DC would allow it. That leaves Diggle pretty much and I love Diggle and really don't think the show should lose him. So if the kid has to bite it, then so be it.

She's probably the Queen Bee of HIVE.