
Boring episode. Now I know what the show would look like without Felicity (seeing as she was only in it for like 3 minutes) and it would be pretty crap. She managed to shine even with her limited screen time.

She'll find out about his secret kid and the fact that he lied. Though I do hope their break-up doesn't last too long. I enjoy them as a couple and their scenes in the episode was one of the few highlights.

The EP's confirmed Felicity's not Oracle. She never will be.

LOL. It's not just Olicity haters who think she's dead. Some people who genuinely like Felicity and Olicity believe she's dead too. But their hints have been so heavy handed it just seemed obvious to me that she wasn't dying.

Each to their own. I think she's awesome. She's still doing everything she used to do in season 1 and 2 only now she's also the main love interest. And I seriously don't think Olicity is over when they've just got engaged. Felicity's not even dead.

LOL doubtful.

Yes, I got that thanks.

I would be fine with that.

I went from disliking public proposals to really enjoying how they ended up getting engaged. It was nicely done.

Fingers crossed! Would they kill off BC though? I hope they would but I don't know if DC would allow it.

He probably was a Nazi back in the day.

Eh. You have to suspend disbelief for so many things on this show. I think I can buy that a character can hit someone with a metal pipe. Why would she pass out?

Yep. She just can't carry an episode as female lead. She's better in small doses.

It's a testament to that relationship that every female has to be dead for Oliver to finally choose and love Laurel. LOL. Talk about last choice! I fall asleep whenever they have a scene together and luckily it's not very often now. If I had to watch this show with them trying to force a romance because comics says

It's actually hilarious how many people think Felicity is dead. I didn't realise the Arrow audience was so dumb.

Felicity was part of the reason season 1 and 2 were so good though…

I loved Felicity taking out goons with a random pipe. The best thing was her expression like 'I don't know what I'm doing aaaah!'

Felicity is more than a love interest though. She has an actual use and valuable skill on the team. And why does everyone think this show will stick to the comics? Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy have the chemistry of stale bread. They just couldn't sell a romance. Ever.

She looks like she's taking a dump when she uses it. I laugh every time and not in a good way.

I'd love it to be Laurel. Sorry but I think she's pretty pointless most of the time. The only reason she even worked in this episode is because everyone else was basically held hostage. When the team is as normal, Laurel feels like a spare part. However, I don't think this show has the balls to kill off Black Canary