
Justin’s article left out the fact that she was crossing legally and on a pedestrian ramp.

I live near two busy streets and we walk around our house all the time. Am I just supposed to stay in my house? Maybe, just maybe it is the fucking idiots that were street racing, not the person walking with a stroller that are the problem.

The internet really is a horrible place.

Are you kidding me? You think this is on her?

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

Now playing

Definitely thought you were going to go elsewhere with that.

I don’t know, Ferrari’s seem to be determined to take themselves and their occupants out with fire, not people standing on the side of the road.

As long as they come with three sea shells, I’m fine with that.

You can shit in robot cars now? Hot damn, we really are living in the future!

I mean, a plane’s auto-pilot still requires the pilot to pay attention. The name checks out fine, in my opinion.

Because you are supposed to be monitoring the system the whole time and steer the vehicle if it’s going the wrong way (which is exactly what this driver did in previous cases)? You don’t wait until it warns to start paying attention. If every Tesla owner with autopilot waited for that, there would be much more

Well then why would he be so chill at that very spot?

If this is true I’m trying to imagine of why anyone would entrust the vehicle in that spot if there was multiple encounters with issues.

In the same way all Camrys are supposed to have a weird dent. It’s designed from the factory that way.

You think the government just makes those benefits appear using magic?

I think David spent a lot of time writing when he could have been wrenching.


They were just pullin for their team.

I agree it looks fantastic! And I know it’s not slow, but it seems like in the article it’s constantly being defended against itself. The author generally seemed completely unaffected by the performance. When an automaker gives you a car for a week and the best you can come away with is “this could be worse” it’s not

What rock are you living under?