
I think a lot of people here are misunderstanding these numbers. It isn’t saying that 50 year old men are fucking 18 year olds. It is simply saying that 18 year old women have the most hits. And independent of that 50 year old men have the most hits. In other words, it is easiest to find a willing partner for those

“...in the double-shooting sleeve, late-stage Melo getup”

Drake has always been a bitch. I mean someone has to say it and I guess that person is me today.

“In an altered paranoid state, believing ordinary citizens were government officials that were tracking him and recording him.”

I could see how this would be difficult for someone so used to going...
*Puts on shades*

How To Get Kicked in the Testicles
-By Rajon Rondo

Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?

You laugh but we’re not going to let these guys back into the country.

Ladies and gentleman, that is the conclusion of overtime. The gold medal will now be decided by a shootout.

“I guess that was the short program,” Tessa said, watching the smoke rise from the end of her cigarette.

Folgers is good shit, we have it in our office. But we are also all poor.

To be fair, he is probably exhausted from having more sex than any of the 113 men who finished in front of him.

Okay but like, what about that ace bandage? I wanna know the conspiracy theory details about that.

Good for Russ. He is the God of Destruction and only lightly pushed the fan away.* Great restraint.


“An assist is any time I let someone shoot the ball who is not me...on either team.”
-Kobe Bryant

I also would love to know. U2 is basically the father of Creed and Nickelback.

“Jozy Altidore (lol) finished past Bard Guzan (lol)“

you’re gonna get a bunch of 90s trip-hop fans with your little blog about Portis head hits

Bobby Portis Suspended Eight Games For Breaking Nikola Mirotic’s Face

Lindsey Graham tweets some unnecessarily (and bizarrely specific) flattering bullshit about a guy who treats him and his entire party like trash. Isn’t that what the MAGAs would consider the very definition of a cuck? Or, am I doing this wrong?