If only there were, say, an 80-page document clearly setting forth the legal theories upon which the suit is premised. But I guess we’ll never really know.
After just reading about this car, my pocket is mysteriously lighter by $1.85.
Or a shitty driver. Todd Bodine.
Eddieee did not give affection!...
Bumper, bumper, hmmm, bumper. I’m trying to recall what that is. I don’t think I have seen one on a car in a long time.
A car that isn’t in a crash costs nothing to repair.
As someone who spent the better part of the early 90s with a horrendous heroin addiction (lost our family, friends, and spent couple years living on the LA streets until we got our lives together- thanks to the magic of a pregnant street cat who gave us 6 lives to live for), I am sending this young lady all my love…
“I have a bigger turning radius than a longbox F350"
We knew we weren’t going to be rich off teaching, but according to you, we should also have known that the paltry increases in pay would not have kept up with insurance and inflation for the last 20 years? We knew we weren’t going to be wealthy, but according to you, we should have known we would need an extra evening…
“Long the goldstandard for “huh -what happened?” was The Doris Day Show. In season 1, she was a widow with two kids in rural Mill Valley. Season 2 saw the rural cast ditched as she got a job in San Francisco and commuted, but we only saw her in the city. By Season 4 and 5, she was a sexy swingin’ single (and went…
Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.
These signs are a brilliant work of social commentary and the design is really powerful.
It’s funny how compatible a match Fiat and Chrysler were for each other.
Dear Predictable,
Yeah, but all the white lines have been sucked off that road.
If you have a fetish for sleeping with your hand between 2 pillows this is the perfect car.
“Let the hetero, cisgendered children come to me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.”