
I would like to see you or anyone else prove that no scene in fiction is necessary. Many scenes are unnecessary, but not all. By that logic we should get the same story if we take away all the scenes showing a bad guy being bad before being killed by the good guy.

Perhaps this is part of some sort of Redshirts crossover?

Is that a digital tic tac toe board just aft of the shifter?

That’s more than a wig. Erica Evans told me that he is really a reptilian humanoid wearing pseudo-human skin.

The best thing I can say about it is that it was better then the cutlass ciera of the same vintage.

I am SHOCKED that an entire discussion about 1980s chrysler interiors has taken place and NOT ONCE has Ricardo Montalban been mentioned.

I’m sorry sir you opted for the Basic Car package. If you want I can upgrade you to the Car with Brakes package. It comes bundled with sunroof, moonroof, backup camera, forward camera, sideways camera, suspension camera, sky camera, antenna camera, pinstripes, 3 tone paint, imitation wood grain side panels, free range

Wow, Paul Walker was really good at staring at things. You know who else as really good at staring at things? Kim Jong Un. I think we may have found a new member of the “family”

FCA would be best merged with Comcast.

Shelf paper! It worked for Johnny Dangerously.

It’s not the years it’s the mileage.

Can’t watch video. Clown will eat me. Afraid it will have imitation wood grain applied to it and/or be crushed by an H1 Hummer.

Needs some imitation wood grain right here.

Dude, It is called a SNOWmobile for a reason. Are you next going to try to find out if the Atom makes a better boat than your boat by drag racing them on a wet road?

That may be the long term plan but in the near term it makes a great way to deny the dealerships their earned commissions. Whether they were a good or bad salesman they still sold what needed to be sold. Denying them their cut based on a rigged system is unethical.

How many manufacturers do not use this system? How about if every person employed in your occupation was suddenly required to use this system. Are you going to go 'make furniture'?

They have as much choice in the matter as you or I have in avoiding mandatory binding arbitration in credit card, cell phone or any other deal. Sure in theory we can all avoid shitty deals but if the alternative is not having a cell phone or credit card in our case or a franchise in theirs that isn't really a choice.

Anybody willing to drive across america or anywhere really in a Pontiac Transport deserves an award in my book.

How did we ever arrive at this system? We have a survey that you are instructed to fill out with untrue answers because the manufacturers have unreasonable expectations for the results. Meanwhile we have no small amount of dealers for whom ethics are a joke that operate with impunity.

I'm with you. With the addition of calling the manufacturer and telling them that their survey system is broken and should be changed.