I would. When he is played by Mel Brooks.
I would. When he is played by Mel Brooks.
It’s interesting to see where the lead usability designer for windows 8 got his start.
The only difference between when you think we had a national public program and now is which contractors are used and how much autonomy those contractors have. Only about 15 percent of the Agency’s authorized funding is expended on civil service salaries and benefits. Everything else is contracted out. And then…
We do too have a plan to send humans into space. We are contracting with Drax Industries SpaceX.
Not to mention that with the thin sheet metal on the doors they start to look like a washboard after visiting a few parking lots.
Change the music and you could be in the Fargodome watching this.
Glad to know I am not the only one to think this might be an inside job.
Called them once for carpet. Got a call back 3 months later. Needless to say we did not get carpet from them.
Don't the people of India have enough problems? Mr. Fields, tear down this car!
Human-car Loveplay is the name of my new Vin Diesel cover band.
I see this more as "buy a Buick or Cadillac and you will get the optional "tires" at no cost. GM finally found an entirely new way to de-content a model.
Doesn't it seem too much of an affectation? If I want to read it in his own accent I will. Just print it the way it should be spelled. This was an interview. He was not dictating.
If we all throw on our tin foil hats for a moment...
I think I remember one with a tanker semi of bad stuff. The fifth wheel came apart slowly during about 5 minutes of screen time in 46 minutes of show. If the movie develops like many others in Hollywood it will turn into a trilogy where the middle movie will be nothing but a long drawn out mechanical failure.
Other acceptable references would be Transporter, Fast and Furious, and I might be dating myself with this, CHiPS.
Or the truck itself to transform into a robot followed by the camera to panning over to some woman's breasts briefly before cutting to large explosions.
Taking this argument to its logical conclusion Soviet area stores are a consumer mecca then? Not gonna buy it.