
Just for future reference "Something you thought of when you saw this" does not equal "obligatory".

I'm not watching this shit.

What part of slavery, segregation, lynchings, and racism do you consider most a part of your "heritage"?

What is this, your personal Xanga?

The fact that the facts are against you and I continue to present them before you doesn't make ME the rock, you idiot.

You seem to not understand... you keep pointing to loads of people to back you up. You keep talking about how there's this giant circle of people around you calling you hilarious and cool as you "totes pwn" this guy on the Internet. We'll set aside the fact that you've been demonstrated to be wrong this entire time

When people tell me that Big Bang Theory is funny, I flat out reject them as human beings. So I should admit to my hypocrisy here. I expected to not like Broad City, but I really, really enjoy it. I think it's hysterical and well acted.

.... how do you see it as "phoned in"?

It's almost as if humor is subjective.

Shut up.

... what?

"Something I know nothing about" - the definitions of words? Is that what you mean? You continue to use words incorrectly, even from a slang perspective. You're like fucking Bill Cosby, except that you think you're communicating meaning when you say "Zippity Bop".

1) Calling you an idiot does not make me childish. You are an idiot. Whether or not you think this makes me socially immature is immaterial as you have a child's intelligence.

What "worked" was me reminding a nearly illiterate student ashamed of his own degree path how English works.

Hahah! Is that what happened in the last ten years? Stupid children too embarrassed to discuss their degree paths redefine words on their own... as they type them?

Upvoting is not a "meme".

"Rules I made up." I've referred you only to the dictionary, you fucking imbecile. The dictionary. I'm not creating rules or relying on new, unreferenced definitions of words. I referred you to the dictionary.

Yep, you did it again. It's remarkable. You've confused A hack with "hack" the verb, with "hack" the noun, and none of that matters, because none of those words, slang or not, applied to the context you used them in.

No, you fucking dolt. I said I don't MISuse slang. You continue to misuse slang, misunderstanding the UD entry.

"Motherfucker" is slang, and slang that I used correctly.