
You are the coolest guy in this thread.

Malaysia, unfortunately. Yes, the swastika was tilted, and no, it definitely wasn't in the context of a religious symbol. It looked like it was designed by someone who was clueless about its Nazi origins.

Shit, add due process to the list of rights lacking in the NBA along with freedom of speech, right to bear arms, and not requiring the quartering of soldiers.

That's easily been one of the more frustrating parts of this...people yelling FIRST AMENDMENT and using that as a defense for literally everything under the sun because apparently nobody noticed the "Congress shall make no law" part. Last I checked, the NBA /= Congress, and, as you said, freedom of speech doesn't

Does Deadspin now pay by the inverse word count?

Being female, I wonder about this myself. Nothing worse than heading into a bathroom (and not even necessarily at a bar, at Costco, or the movie theater, or wherever) and there is piss jettisoned liberally (like a GOD DAMN RAINBIRD SPRINKLER) all over the seat and floor. I am now faced with having to back out and

I'm guessing the problem is most people don't understand that the NBA is basically licensing franchises, it's not like he actually is being forced to sell a business .

That doesn't change how utterly ineffective the play would be. But what else would you expect from a Mexican hockey coach?

"Completely flat-footed," eh, Sean Newell? You really, truly are bad at this. How do you manage to make a flagrant error EVERY single story.

Union bosses? What are you a bad talking point from 1983?

This is about the only time you'll ever see, 9 out of 10 next to JR Smith's name.

Thank you for broadening my definition of stupid. If you aren't a 'progressive' but you buy this open-borders shit I guess everyone can be a moron.

Borders exist for all kinds of reasons that have absolutely fucking nothing to do with xenophobia.

No, borders are lines because not everybody agrees. Do you want to have the same laws like they have in Saudi Arabia?

Aw, you left out so many better cliches: you can't hug a child with nuclear arms! What if they gave a war and nobody came? It will be a great day when we have all the money we need for education and they have to have a bake sale to buy bombers. Coexist! Et cetera. The back of your Prius will look so un-hip with just

Not at all. I just have this strange ability - when watching a video and looking at a picture - to try and look at everything in the screen.

Fuck you.

Kyrie Irving: Can everyone please stop passing him the goddamn ball! He’s fucking up the game. Just ignore him.