
Your friends are as dumb as you are! That's excellent that you've found similar or at least sympathetic company.

An Introduction to Logic would have been a good course for you. Perhaps something in rhetoric? These would have given a basic ability to know when you're just talking shit because you're angry.

Now now, take it easy. You yourself mentioned that people can't do anything without getting hated on. Not sure why you'd lash out in reply. You seem to have predicted precisely this.

I checked the quote to be sure I'd done a historical literary figure justice, yes. You fucking ape.

You know what would have been really cool? You leaving this comment locked on YOUR computer and never sending it out.

Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded. - Dostoyevsky

The dad jokes here are out of control. They're all 25 years old, not funny, and obscure.


Agreed. The Gawker brand in particular is known for shitty writing.

Well, plainly you do. If it wasn't for your scarcely cobbled-together ability to repeat the jokes of other people, you wouldn't have a thought to call your own. Certainly not one spelled correctly.

It's cute that you follow me around now. I think I have a fan!

Precisely as I predicted in my last comment when I said "If you stop reading them, plug your ears like a toddler..."

Check this out, I'm going to show you something useful.

You've repeatedly used the "I'm having fun" canard when you're plainly being humiliated by not being an educated person. That is fine by me.

If you weren't sure how to spell the word, you had an easy cheat sheet just above. I had just spelled the word that you were attempting to repeat.

The word is "misused", you dolt. Not "miss used".

Now a meme to indicate confusion! Show a picture of someone observing stupidity, and the Internet argument is won!

Your emotional IQ is rock bottom. I have yet to display any anger, you socially inept clown. I'm marveling at the inability of Internet folks (you, in this case, are the case study) to communicate meaning outside meme form.

See what I mean!? You just did it again! Broadcasting emotions that aren't there as a part of an appeal to the group. SUCH internet bullshit.

Gawker does not have upvotes. You just wanted everyone to know that you're an idiot. Got it.