
You aren't on Reddit. Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

Here's a helpful suggestion for next time. Tell yourself the joke out loud, or maybe try it out on a friend. When absolutely no one laughs, maybe you don't need to type it to the Internet.

Nobody gets your 1980s jokes here, Grandpa.

Holy shit. Did a quality joke actually get written on Deadspin?

I swear, a good 20% of people on the internet aren't literate. You just repeat/repost other people's creative work, because you don't actually formulate thoughts of your own.

Do you often pair racist jokes with shitty jokes?

You should check out YouTube. They really love people who repeat jokes found in the content, and then give one or two words of "commentary" as their comment. In your case, you did fuck all. They're going to adore you on YouTube.

Oh good, rage comics to "help" your "joke".

God Gawker writers are dumb. He attempted to BURGLE. Once he saw there was a person there, he left. If he was trying to take something FROM a person, then THAT would have been a robbery. This was a burglary.

Push the fucking star button if you don't have anything to contribute.

What you lack in not being funny, you make up for by not telling jokes.

How baggy do you wear khakis? Is it 1998 where you live?

Firstly, Go Broncos.

You just typed an entire wall of text for no good reason. That game IS CS:GO.

No, you're a gaming hipster. What an ugly combination of things.

Don't let these guys fool you. You can fire down the sights in Counterstrike, you just get made fun of.


That's a whole lot of typing for zero jokes.

-1. Use the fucking star button.